VOX drops Meloni in Europe

Leaves vowels European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR), headed by the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia MeloniTo join Patriots for Europe, a group led by Hungarian President Viktor Orban.

With this decision, Santiago Abascal joined parties such as the formation Fidesz The Hungarian MILF FPO of AustriaCheck Year 2011 (Coalition of Disgruntled Citizens, in Czech), and The Portuguese Chega, headed by André VenturaThe third force in the neighbouring country, with over one million votes in the last parliamentary elections held on March 10.

Despite leaving the ECR, Vox has expressed its “gratitude and strong friendship” to the aforementioned group of the European Parliament and, in particular, To Fratelli d’Italia and to the Italian President. Through a statement, he also defended that the platform “aspires to form a new parliamentary group in the European Parliament, whose constitution and composition will be announced in the coming days.”

On the other hand, he described it as a “historic opportunity” presented to European patriotic forces to become an alternative to the socialists and popular forces. Patriots for Europe is the first group to establish itself as a parliamentary group in Strasbourg. At least 25 seats are needed from seven different nationalities,

“This is a very important sign”

As far as this new platform is concerned, we are still waiting to see what the National Rally, Marine Le Pen’s party, decides. In Italy, the leader of the far-right League party, as well as the vice president and minister of infrastructure and transport, Matteo Salvini said the abandonment of Vox is “a very important signal” for change.

“The potential for change in Europe is growing, Determined to say no to von der Leyen and the socialists”, added Meloni’s partner in the Italian government. Vox’s decision comes just 72 hours before the group is due to hold its first constituent meeting.

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