Walking reduces back pain

Almeria/The spine is an anatomical region that is quite often injured both at work and in personal life. Not all of them are predisposed equally. Those who are most prone to back injuries These may be those who carry the load and exert significant effort. but also those activities in which, even if no significant effort is exerted, poor posture is the normal norm. Low back pain is the most common cause of sick leave among the world’s working population. 80% of the population suffers from lower back pain at least once during their lifetime.

How is it produced?

The lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae. Between each vertebra there is a disc, which is a kind of cushion whose function is to cushion stress or shock, as if it were a shock absorber. Aging of the intervertebral disc This causes a decrease in the height of the spine with a tendency for said disc to migrate backwards as said “pad” has lost water and elasticity and with it its ability to cushion weight and stress. This represents stress on the articular surfaces of the spine and premature aging of the spine.

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