What does it mean when a turtle appears on your car’s dashboard or screen?

What does it mean when a turtle appears on your car’s dashboard or screen?D.N.

Control panels or dashboards Cars are increasingly offering more information to the driver. new technologies They even implement screens with data, alerts, multimedia options, etc. in the most modern cars. which replace traditional panels in which the main characters, in addition to the gasoline level and temperature indicators, were the speedometer and engine tachometer.

In these films and on modern screens they also appear warning symbols from the most diverse. Witnesses or symbols that have green indicates reminders; those in orange are warnings; and red ones are danger.

They tell us valuable information, such as that the gas tank is about to empty, that we are not wearing a seat belt, that we have not released the handbrake, low tire pressure or engine failure.

We recognize most of the symbols and this warning will be useful in solving the problem or taking the vehicle to a workshop. But there are witnesses, especially from recent appearancethe meaning of which many drivers do not know enough.

This is a case of what constitutes turtle orange or against a background of the specified color.

This symbol can appear on both internal combustion engine vehicles (some Volvo and Honda models have it) and on electric and hybrid vehicles (imitating the symbol popularized by Tesla), although the truth is that it is more common among electrified vehicles , especially among those with zero emissions.

Turtle usually means your car will travel at a slower speed and with more limited performance.

In cars with An internal combustion engine using this icon will turn on when a mechanical fault occursthat some part of the engine is not working correctly. If it appears, it is recommended to stop the car and report it to a mechanic. For other brands, it is an orange symbol with an engine anagram to indicate the incident.

In some brands, it appears when we use too much gasoline and there is almost no fuel left, so some functions of the car are limited. And after a few meters the car will stop.

V electric cars, especially in Tesla models, The turtle symbol lights up when you are abandoned low battery. If the charge level is too low, some cars compensate by activating turtle mode to make the most of the remaining battery and give you time to recharge it.

The turtle warning light can also come on in an electric vehicle when there is a problem with the battery or its battery. refrigeration system. In this case, turtle mode may limit performance to allow it to cool down or recharge.

TeslaFor example, it states management that the turtle symbol means that “the vehicle’s power is currently limited because the remaining battery charge is low, the vehicle’s systems are heating up or cooling down, or the traction inverter has detected an error.”

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