What happens if you eat 4 eggs a day? Benefits and advice from a nutrition expert

Monday, October 7, 2024 10:43 am

Eggs are the main product in the diet. Each Basque consumes an average of 265 eggs per year. It is an indispensable product from home to high-end restaurants. There are more and more voices saying that egg consumption needs to be increased, but what happens if you eat four eggs a day?

Dr Janine Bowring, known on social media for her health advice, explained what increasing our egg consumption would mean for our health.

“We know that eggs are rich in protein and have a high biological value of 94, which means they are well absorbed and used by the body,” he says in a TikTok video.

What does it mean to eat four eggs a day?

Nutritionist Janine Bowring states that “four eggs provide 24 grams of protein, 20 grams of fat and selenium, 112% of your daily needs; “They’re also great for thyroid health.” In addition, they also charge with energy; as they provide “vitamin B2, 80% of your daily requirement.” They also contain “vitamin A, which is great for eye health, but it also helps lubricate the eyes to keep eye moisture levels at 32% of your daily requirement for this vitamin A.”

On the other hand, eggs are very filling: “all that protein in eggs is very filling. “It helps you lose weight, but also gain muscle mass.” Another great advantage that this specialist finds in consuming eggs is their price, as it is an economical product. Of course, Janine Bowring recommends getting eggs from free-range chickens.

What properties does an egg have?

  • Eggs are rich in vitamins E, D and A.

  • It also highlights folic acid, biotin, minerals and antioxidants.

  • It contains choline, which helps reduce cardiovascular risk.

  • It is low in calories and contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3s.

How do you know if an egg is edible?

Of course, taking one that is not in perfect condition (perhaps it was in our refrigerator for too long, perhaps poorly preserved, perhaps broken…) entails its own risks. So how do we know if an egg is safe to eat?

First of all, we must follow the principle, and this is nothing more than that when in doubt, it is better not to take it because of the consequences that ingesting a contaminated egg may have. Then we can allow ourselves to be guided by our feelings, which will probably not let us down: a cracked shell, too much odor or a flattened yolk and watery white will be signs that the egg is not good.

But we can also put into practice some tricks that will help us make the right decision about whether we should eat an egg. First, inspect the shell and be wary of any stains, dirt, and of course, throw away anything that has cracks. A fresh egg should have a clean shell without cracks.

Another very simple test we can do is immerse it in water. Place a small container of water and leave the egg there. If it floats, it will be proof that it is not good. Experts note that this would be a sign that there is gas inside it. Therefore, ideally the egg should be at the bottom of the container.

Finally, we can also allow ourselves to be carried away by our ears. We will do this by gently shaking the egg. If we hear nothing, this will be the best sign, since it will mean that the yolk and white have perfectly fused with the shell and the egg is fresh. In the opposite case, when we hear a sound inside, we should think that it is better not to eat the egg as the yolk and white will separate, which is a sign of loss of freshness.

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