What is “slap disease”? Virus circulating in Navarre schools

What is “slap disease”? Virus circulating in Navarre schoolsTimothy Takemoto

This is not a serious disease or new.although it can cause certain symptoms due to its main symptom: reddish rash on cheeks. For this reason parvovirus B19 This is colloquially known as slap disease and in recent weeks it has been discovered increase in the number of cases in Navarreespecially related to childhood and for distribution in schools.

Jesus CastileHead of the Department of Infectious Diseases Institute of Public and Professional Health of Navarra (ISPLN)explains that parvovirus is typical of this era,”After flu season now has its moment“, but a rebound was found this year compared to previous years, likely due to the impact of the pandemic, which with masks and preventive measures meant most viruses had little to no impact. “It is now likely that we have cases that did not exist many years ago,” qualifies.

Public health does not have accurate data on infections because the disease is underreported. in many cases the virus is asymptomatic. “This is a typical childhood illness associated with outbreaks in schools. Its behavior is similar to that of chickenpox, mumps, or measles. Many of them have disappeared, and parvovirus is one of the few that remain,” the epidemiologist emphasizes.

In fact it is also called fifth disease because this is the fifth viral infection (along with measles, rubella, chickenpox and roseola) which causes reddish rashes on the skin of patients.

through saliva

slap disease Transmitted through saliva and Contagious for about 10 days., so it is easily transmitted to children. As with the chickenpox virus, immunity usually develops once the illness has cleared, making reinfection unlikely. However, youCases are also found in adults who were not infected with parvovirus as children.

In boys and girls, symptoms are mild and usually disappear within a few days. “The main ones are rash on the face, rash on the trunk or limbs, general malaise, sometimes fever“, Castiglia explains, which indicates that in adults this disease “a little more impressive”: “Children tend to be asymptomatic, but adults have more symptoms. This could be serious in immunocompromised patients, with severe anemia or in pregnant women.

In fact, in FranceThis disease, which is mild in the vast majority of cases, has caused serious concern. after the deaths of five babies this year. According to the French Ministry of Health, five babies are under one year old, four of them “in the first days of life,” died due to their mother’s parvovirus infection. “This figure is unusually high and must be controlled,” the French ministry warned.

Treatment and how to prevent it

There is no vaccine marketed against parvovirus, and the main treatment is ibuprofen or paracetamol to relieve symptoms. It is very difficult to prevent this, although Experts recommend strict hygieneespecially with frequent hand washing when in contact with a sick child.

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