What risk does delay in treatment pose to the health of Zamorano residents…

The College of Dentists and Dentists of Region VIII, which includes the provinces of Burgos, Palencia, Soria, Valladolid and Zamora, warns of the risk that delaying dental treatment poses to oral and general health. To this end, they launched the campaign “Take care of your oral cavity, build a healthy future”which compares the problems that arise on a daily basis and how they can affect us with those that can occur to us if we do not see a dentist on time.

The College of Dentistry stresses that many people could be putting their overall health at risk if they delay treatment, as poor oral health is linked to diabetes, cardiovascular problems, dementia and other serious diseases.

At the same time, dental problems may worsen as conditions worsen and more invasive and expensive treatments must be used. In addition, untreated gum disease and advanced tooth decay can lead to tooth loss and prolong discomfort, affecting the quality of daily life.

In addition, an annual dental examination helps to identify certain pathologies and warn the patient if he suffers from malocclusion, herpes, thrush and pulpitis. When it comes to oral cancer, various studies confirm that lack of oral health and hygiene increases the chances of getting it.

It is also important to check children’s teeth to prevent future pathologies. For example, in the case of incisor-molar hypomineralization syndrome, which is caused by changes in the molars during the growth of the child, as well as possible changes caused by pregnancy, it leads to fragility of the enamel of the affected teeth. Exposing your tooth risks making your teeth more sensitive and more prone to tooth decay.

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