What time should you travel by car on the May long weekend? Waze traffic jam avoidance feature

The world’s most popular traffic app and what it can do to make your journey more enjoyable.

to roam, the traffic app with the most users in the world and a great alternative to Google Maps, is part of many people’s daily lives day after day. He’s getting closer maybe a bridge which means there will be long journeys in many parts of Spain, so using apps like Waze to avoid traffic jams as much as possible can make the trip much more enjoyable.

How to avoid traffic jams using Waze? Waze has many features, and one of the most useful for avoiding traffic jams is the one that allows us look for times with less traffic to complete our journey with greater peace of mind. To see this feature, we will have to select a destination and a route, and once it is selected and we have set its duration, we will need to click on the option “Exit later”. Clicking it takes us to a screen that shows a variety of time slots and the expected traffic in each one based on other similar days.


Waze is a great option for our travels

The world’s most popular traffic app offers many options to make our trips even more enjoyable. Besides finding the time with the least traffic, there is another notable option: view incidents on our routeand to see it we will have to slide the route options screen from bottom to top and we will see a graph showing the recorded traffic incidents.

Another great option is consider alternative routes, and in Waze, before selecting a route, if we swipe up from the bottom, we will see the option “Routes”. By clicking on it, alternatives will appear, which in some cases may be better options for our trip. Moreover, it is worth emphasizing that we can avoid tolls during our trip, but it might be a good option to walk through them to avoid high traffic areas.

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