What’s on this week?

Apple TV series “Voice of the Lake”

In her first television role, Natalie Portman plays a woman in a 1960s lobby in Voice of the Lake.

The “black character” of Baltimore, Maryland, is not the latest inspiration for the writers. On the “small screen” from 2002 to 2008, he was an important criminologist, waiting for the imaginary David Simon to appear at his age. Sur-Ecoute (Available on HBO Max) Noticeably outdated in this town, the creator of this incredible series has ditched the meme two decades later with our apartmentarticle by ripoux. If these two works of art are desirable for the real world, Alma Harel invites all viewers to decorate this agglomeration in the current years.

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In 2019, the bestselling homonym of Laura Lippman, published in 2019, was approved, with the authorization of this latest work related to the projects, screenwriters, producers and realists that we see in the sixties. To save the young girls Esther Lebowitz (11 years old) and Shirley Parker (33 years old). The two murders deeply affected the communities of minors and African Americans of the era, victims of discrimination. The identities of these women in the current text are completely changed. At the heart of the plot, the reason also lies in the trajectory of the two protagonists. Let’s start with Maddie Schwartz (embodied by Natalie Portman, this is not the first current role in the feuilleton), a manager who feels very popular in everyday life. Hunte, who plus there are a couple of secret names that later did not pass in être Révélés. Well, it’s Cleo Johnson (Moses Ingram). A family willing to sacrifice anything to support their children’s kisses. If these are two different parks, then the mysterious difference between the philates and the close ones…

Despite the fact that certain events in the tournament bout (Cleo had a last-minute change, and then it was that the outfit was made for a trial racket), the intrigue and star of the original thriller, histoire entend à son Tour Bouleverser son Auditoroire. “The public devra boucler sa ceinture avant de monter à bord,” previous Alma Har’el in the American press, in an évoquant notamment the cinque épisode on the seventh chapters that compose the story. “Why do I tell you not to prepare, please, but I tell you why the rebuffs of the game do not matter what the amplifier does.” Dear Prometheus, Don.

Excursion on July 19

HBO Max Documentary

Faye bursts into the exciting life of Faye Dunaway, a meme-like storyteller, and her friends Sharon Stone or Mickey Rourke.

In photography that is associated with the film by Laurent Bouzereau (which he does with a film by Natalie Wood, another blessed icon of Hollywood), at the opening of Faye Dunaway at the Petit Matin in a Beverly Hills hotel, the new year is here They are Oscar winners in 1976 for the film “Network: Home Base on Television” (où she became a product of television on the whole), magazines to their pieds, a face to the celebrity statuette. Faye Dunaway, twenty-five years old, she is at the beginning of her career and has earned a solid reputation. Actress of the Celle d’une”difficult(selon ses mots), in constant control of her son’s image. An amateur actress who breaks free from the constraints of femininity on the big screen in a series of iconic roles. You are cruel Bonnie and Clyde (Arthur Penn) Chinatown (Polanski) or The Thomas Crown Affair, In the independent beauty assistant Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway accompanies the women’s liberation movement as part of the “Son of Your Own Balance” competition.“My heart is all of her personages are like one person” summary – Liam’s son.

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Complex personality, née Dorothy Fay, at the Court of the United States, the actress of ’83 was a scandalous woman, dressed in bipolarity, with her failures (“I am with this little girl from the South every day“confie-t-elle), ses amours (not extramarital affairs with Marcello Mastroianni),great love of life“from 1969 to 1971, “alors qu’il est marié”), but also “surtout la Passion de Son Métier”. Actress Phoenix on Genieassistant» alone alone alone friends Mickey Rourke (what does she do with the affair in Barflygreat movie about alcohol) or Sharon Stone, she has failed to reinvent an industry that doesn’t want women.

Excursion on July 14

Prime Video Series Those Who Are Going to Die

Those who are going to die Now we dive into the heart of the gladiator world. A three-man series starring Anthony Hopkins.

Rome, 79 April “Jesus Christ”. Emperor Vespasian, founder of the Flavian dynasty, reigning in the empire or collecting the population, toujours plus pauvre, is tempérée for the distribution of free food and games: martial arts courses and gladiator fights. A fragile équilibre parfois, threatening the ambitions of men and of others. Voila for the point of departure Those who are going to dieA series that takes a different perspective to explore the business of mass subversion, corruption and governance.

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Inspiration of the Roman Eponym written in 1958 by Daniel P. Mannix – dont berait également inspiré GladiatorThose who are going to die to all fans of the new series. The budget of “Déjà” is nominal: 140 million dollars for the ten episodes that make up this premiere season, and those who will not see the grand spectacle, “visuellement époustouflant”, written by Robert Rodat (screenwriterIl does not save soldier Ryan). Bathroom, thanks to the son-seller: no more, no more than Roland Emmerich (independence Day, Godzilla, year 2012…). On the point of retracing, the blockbuster’s lead has been accomplished in the premiere invasion of the world of series. In short, the high point of this Prime Video production is in the high-voltage casting with Anthony Hopkins on the poster as the emperor, as well as Iwan Rheon (the hero Ramsay Bolton). Game of Thrones). Syl flat, Prime Video’s decision to sort out this big freshness in the heart of the world. This is a real concurrence but only with a big public friend of the sole and the farthest. The bet is risky.

Excursion on July 19

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