When does Claudia Sheinbaum take office as president? | Mexican elections 2024

According to data produced by the district count, the National Electoral Institute (INE) has confirmed the victory of Claudia Sheinbaum in the presidential election with 59.76% of the votes. These results coincide with the Quick Count and Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP), which gave the Morena candidate a victory with 59.35% of the votes. It is now pending for the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) to give him the certificate of majority that recognizes him as elected president.

There is no fixed date for this part of the process, as opposition challenges must first be addressed, but, as a reference, in the 2018 elections Andrés Manuel López Obrador had to wait just over a month to receive the document. In the case of Felipe Calderón, the process was prolonged until September due to protests over alleged irregularities in the 2006 elections.

In his morning conference on Tuesday, June 4, President López Obrador anticipated that it was possible that Sheinbaum would receive the certificate on Sunday, although so far the TEPJF has not commented on the matter. The president also assured that on Monday he would meet with the Morenistas to discuss the details of the succession. “Surely we are going to develop a plan for the transition, thinking that she is going to appoint her colleagues, women and men, and she is going to make sure that they come to an agreement with those who are currently there, we are going to go do some work together”, said. For his part, Sheinbaum shared on social networks that the government’s transition work would begin next week with the help of Juan Ramón de la Fuente, who served as coordinator of the Dialogue for Change during his campaign.

So far, the only member of the newly elected president’s cabinet that has been confirmed is the current Secretary of Finance and Credit (SHCP) Rogelio Ramírez de la O, who has been in charge of talking to foreign investors to try to mitigate the effects of the fall of the peso in the stock market.

What is known about Sheinbaum’s protest?

President López Obrador will end his administration on September 30, 2024, so Claudia Sheinbaum will take over as President of Mexico on October 1, 2024. The protest ceremony will take place that same day in a session of the General Congress before deputies and senators who were elected in the June 2 election.

According to the official provision, the Day of Transition of the Executive Branch is a mandatory day of rest in Mexico. The Federal Labor Law (LFT) establishes the Day of Transition of the Executive Branch as a holiday since 1970, but before that it occurred every December 1. In 2014, a decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) that establishes the new date of October 1, so Sheinbaum’s administration will end on September 30, 2030.

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