Which flesh-eating bacteria has caused alarm in Japan because it can kill a person in 48 hours?

A flesh-eating bacterium has caused alarm in Japan after it infected thousands of people, leading to a record increase in the number of infections caused by it. According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), infections caused by a rare variant of streptococcus which in the worst case can cause a disease with a mortality rate of 30%.

The disease is caused by group A streptococcus. Its exact name is “syndrome”.toxic shock streptococcus, with twice as many cases reported this year as in 2023. This is a rare infection among streptococci with a scary nickname: flesh-eating bacteria. José Antonio López, professor of microbiology at the Autonomous University, explained to laSexta Noticias that “it is known as a carnivorous bacterium” because it “flesh-eating bacteria“.

Your symptoms are fever, vomiting and pain in the limbs. In the most severe cases, it can cause necrosis of the arms and legs, or in other words, death of body tissue and therefore carnivore. “This can cause necrotizing fasciitis. At some point, amputation may be required,” the expert said. In the most aggressive version, when “shock” occurs, it can reach kill a person in just 48 hours.

Nails 77 People died from the infection between January and March, according to the latest available data. This trend is causing concern among health authorities as most current patients are in their thirties and are a more vulnerable group.

How is this treated?

In case of infection this is vital. use of antibiotics As soon as possible. The infection can be overcome easily, although the physical effects may last for months.

How does it spread?

Professor of Microbiology José Antonio Lopez clarifies that “it can spread through wounds or nasal discharge. “Because of this, older people with an open wound have a greater risk of infection,” he adds.

How can this be avoided?

It is important wash your hands regularly or wear masks, some measures that remind us of COVID. “Disinfection of surfaces and hygiene, especially hygiene,” adds the expert.

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