Which is better: urinating standing or sitting? Science has its own theory

Which is better: urinating standing or sitting? Science has its own theory

Convenience pee standing or sitting is often the subject of debate, and although for Menin fact physiognomy, two options equally valid in case womenthe most common thing is to do it sitting.


On the one hand, there is no doubt that this cultural issuebecause while in countries such as Japan, Germany or Sweden a common thing is to pee sittingin other types Spain or Mexico children are taught this from an early age standing.

Thus, although the decision to urinate while standing or sitting may depend on different factors How personal preference, comfort or hygiene, science has its own theory.

The key is in the prostate

A study published in an American scientific journal Plos One confirms that in case Men, It is healthier to urinate while sitting than standing, but only for those who have an inflamed prostate.

When you sit the pelvic floor muscles and bladder sphincter relax, the bladder contracts and improves flow. pressure which carry out legs on stomach It also helps with urination. Thus, since the body is in more relaxed and natural position, you will get more complete emptying Bladder.

For their part, a team of Dutch researchers from the Leiden University Medical Center found that pee sitting there can be a lot too very useful for the general populationbecause it helps the bladder empties faster and completely. In addition, it helps prevent benign prostatic hyperplasiawhose symptoms These include bladder stones, urinary tract infections, and even kidney infections.

A man checks his mobile phone while sitting on the toilet.

Incomplete emptying

TO urination while standing, muscles which surround pelvis And spinethey tense up and it is quite likely that the bladder does not empty completelyaccumulate bacteria and there is infection. maximum capacity the bladder is from 300 to 600 milliliters and generally speaking It is evacuated when it is two-thirds full..

In order to completely empty it, you need to have the nervous control system is not damaged. It’s the one that alerts you when it’s time to pee and the one that holds the pee until you get to the evacuation area. come to terms with frequent and prolonged urination very badgiven that The bladder gains capacity, but loses the ability to contract. This can generate Problems such as kidney pain, discomfort, urinary tract infections, bladder damage and urinary incontinence.

Benefits of urinating while sitting

Between Benefits of urinating while sittingexperts point to increased hygiene. I pee while sitting on the toilet prevents splashing which may end up on furniture, floors or clothing. Moreover, this guarantees increased hygiene in the bathroom without the need for constant cleaning.

However we must break the spear in favor of the most cautious people, because good goal This will make urinating while standing just as hygienic as sitting.

They also note that although for some people urination while standing is more comfortable and faster, For other it means doing it sitting down and they may even see it as an opportunity relax one moment.

In addition to these benefits, if a man is healthy and does not have prostate inflammation, There are no other medical reasons that justify urinating in a particular position.. Ultimately, choice between urination standing or sitting personal question and may vary depending on situation, needs And preferences individual. In any case, the most important thing maintain personal hygiene and sufficient cleanliness in the bathroom.regardless of the chosen position.

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