White bracelet with expiration date.

ANDl Real Madrid captain’s armband. It is one of the greatest awards a footballer can wear on the pitch. The bandage surrounding the arm demonstrates to the world the “powers” ​​of the leader. What does a footballer have to have to be able to lead a dressing room full of stars? It’s a badge that is worn not with pride, but with responsibility.

So, this is how things stand, The white club has a new captain after the departure of Sergio Ramos, who pulled the car for six years.to begin the “curse” with a white bracelet that seems to give the wearer an expiration date. From the center of Camas in 2021 to Nacho Fernandez in 2024. All Real Madrid captains have severed ties with the club after a year in the top-rated dressing room..

Farewell to Ramos and the “curse” with the bracelet

Following the central defender’s departure to PSG, the next on the list was Marcelothe oldest at the time, as he had been playing for the white club since January 2007. After 528 games, he became captain just when he was the most talked about player after his physical decline after many years of playing at the top level.with loss of position Ferland Mendy and even with a youth team Miguel Gutierrez.

The great player Benzema, who will bring back memories of his legendary performances at the Calderon.

He only played 12 games last year.but he had the honor lift the Fourteenth into the Madrid sky from the top of Cibeles, goddess of Real. Having failed to receive an extension offer from the white club, the Brazilian defender left in style. “I don’t feel like a legend, I’m a person who enjoys every moment. I was lucky enough to become captain and lift the Cup before saying goodbye.The last game at the Bernabeu was a mini-farewell, but now I can’t say goodbye better than with my fifth Champions League victory. I closed a very good cycle” he admitted at the age of 34 after defeating Liverpool in the end.

Who had it, kept it: Marcelo’s incredible control that goes viral

At that moment, Karim Benzema to take witnesswho had just had a dream season after showing his best results as a Real Madrid player. The Frenchman arrived in 2009 from Lyon to make a dream come true and the first day shyness was overcome. He ultimately turned the ‘9’, who always wanted to be a ’10’, into the second top scorer in Real Madrid’s history.. The French captain won European Super Cup, Copa del Rey and Club World Cup.…and a year after he put on the bracelet, he packed his bags and went to Arabia, just like Nacho did after receiving the bracelet last season. The European Super Cup, La Liga and the Champions League… and the same fate as the last three predecessors of the white captains. Next? Luka Modric, who could follow the same path after fulfilling his dream of becoming captain of a white club.

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