Who will govern the EU and at what cost?

Mixing a little bit of everything and massaging the data as desired, as is the norm these days, We can say that the extreme right, with 152 seats, is the second political force in the European Union, just after the European People’s Party (EPP).that has been receivedThe nest has 186 seats. But the truth is that these 152 MEPs are very different from each other: they range from Meloni’s populist right to the far-right fil-Nazi Alternative for Germany.

Mixing a little bit of everything and massaging the data as desired, as is the norm these days, We can say that the extreme right, with 152 seats, is the second political force in the European Union, just after the European People’s Party (EPP).that has been receivedThe nest has 186 seats. But the truth is that these 152 MEPs are very different from each other: they include everything from the populist right of Meloni to the far-right pro-Nazi Alternative for Germany, including the Europhobic nationalists of Marine Le Pen.

As we have already seen in Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call elections, the impact of its rise will be felt first and foremost at home and, above all, in the largest and most important countries. Macron, whose party remains at only 14.60% compared to Marine Le Pen’s 31.37%, does not want to present himself as a lame duck in the European Council which will have to nominate the next president of the Commission. If that goes well, he would be able to secure a great vice presidency for von der Leyen, putting her in charge of industrial policy.. In Germany, Chancellor Scholz is not up to the task. His party is on 13.90%, trailing the conservatives and the far-right Fil-Nazis (who are already the second political force), and his coalition includes the two parties that have performed worst in the elections (the Greens and the Liberals). Scholz will settle for a German woman, even if from another party, to preside over the Commission while his coalition awaits the election that will remove him from power. Meanwhile, in Rome, Giorgia Meloni has re-legalized and increased her majority, so she will also fight to start a good police station and lead Europe.

Ursula von der Leyen is most likely to secure the 361 votes needed to take over as the European Commission president. The question is where this support will come from and what price will be paid for it. The coalition of the 2019 popularthe Socialists and the Greens won 444 seats, and there were still many difficulties in installing von der Leyen, who won by nine votes, including the vote of the anti-European populists of Viktor Orban and Robert Fico. Now that coalition has 400 seats, but von der Leyen cannot count on everyone voting for her. If he seeks and obtains the votes he lacks among Giorgia Meloni’s 24 MEPs, he would confirm the Union’s move to the right. And a new time will open.

(tagstotranslate) Opinion/Columnist

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