Why the US National Security Agency warns that you should reboot your cell phone once a week

Regularly rebooting your phone can interrupt malware running in the background (illustrative image by Infobae).

United States National Security Agency (NSA) decided to release urgent recommendation Designed for all mobile phone users: Reboot your devices frequently. This measure is proposed as an effective tool to fight with cyber threats persistent, seeking to exploit smartphone vulnerabilities.

The NSA emphasizes that this is a simple action. can disrupt hackers’ access and protect personal information and sensitive data stored on devices.

The advent of cell phones has transformed these devices into a very attractive target for hackers. These devices are used not only for communicationbut they also store important data such as banking information, personal photos, emails and access to multiple online accounts. However, the NSA stresses that cell phone security is often weak and limited to simple passwords or pattern locks, leaving them vulnerable to more sophisticated attacks.

Smartphones are an attractive target for cyberattacks due to their widespread use (illustrative image by Infobae)

It doesn’t matter whether the user uses the operating system Android or iOS, this recommendation applies to both. The implementation of additional protective measures and the promotion of safe practices are considered necessary to mitigate the associated risks. In addition, government and private institutions are working together to develop innovative solutions that enhance mobile device security and consumer privacy.

Rebooting phones is a recommended NSA practice. for several key reasons. First of all, this action can disrupt the operation of any malware which runs in the background. This is very important because malware can continue to collect and transmit information while the device is turned on. “Rebooting your phone may thwart hackers trying to ensure constant access,” an agency spokesperson said.

Keeping your phone software up to date is critical to combating new malware threats (Infobae Illustrative Image)

In addition to periodic reboots, the NSA recommends Keep your phone’s software updated. Software updates typically include security patches designed to combat the latest threats. “Updating your software is one of the most effective ways to protect your device from new types of malware,” indicated the agency.

Another important safety measure is to use strong and unique passwords for each account. The NSA suggests using password managers to make managing multiple, complex credentials easier. “Strong passwords are a vital barrier against unauthorized access attempts,” explained the agency representative.

Using strong passwords and password managers improves security (illustrative image by Infobae)

two-factor authentication (2FA) is another layer of security that the NSA encourages users to enable. This method adds an additional layer of verification that can prevent unauthorized access even if a hacker manages to obtain the master password. Another recommendation is to use public Wi-Fi with caution. “Avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions and, if necessary, use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your data,” advises the NSA.

The agency also recommends using security applications from trusted developers. These apps can scan for and remove malware, providing an extra layer of protection. “Use trusted applications to constantly scan for potential threats and protect your device“, emphasizes the NSA.

Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of verification against unauthorized access (illustrative image by Infobae).

In addition to the above recommendations, the NSA also suggests Do not click on links or download attachments from suspicious emails or text messages. This type of content can be a common source of malware and other cyber threats. “Always check the source of a message before interacting with any link or attachment.”warns the agency.

Finally, a vital practice is to back up your phone data regularly. This step ensures that if the device is hacked, the user can recover their information. “Regular backups are a preventative measure that can save your data in critical situations,” – concluded the representative.

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