woman overcomes type 1 diabetes after stem cell transplant

A 25-year-old woman from Tianjin, China, overcame type 1 diabetes three months after receiving reprogrammed stem cells.. He is the first person in the world with this disease to receive treatment with autologous cells, and the first to produce insulin after surgery.

Research published in the journal scientific journal “Cell”, followed the results of an independent group in Shanghai, which last April reported the successful transplantation of insulin-producing islets into the liver of a 59-year-old man with type 2 diabetes.

Traditionally, Cell transplantation was carried out in the liver. However, in this case they were introduced into stomachwhich allows cells to be monitored using magnetic resonance imaging and, if necessary, facilitates their removal.

All over the planet Diabetes is a disease that affects approximately 500 million people. Most have type 2 diabetes, a disease in which the body does not produce enough insulin or its ability to use the hormone is reduced. In type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks the islet cells in the pancreas.

The main character of this transplant told Priroda that her life had changed radically: “Now I can eat sugar. “More than a year after the transplant, he says he still loves to eat everything, especially stew.”

For Jay Skyler, an endocrinologist and type 1 diabetes researcher at the University of Miami, the results are: “intriguing, so they need to be replicated in more people.”

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