Workplace well-being will define the trend in human resource management in 2024

  • Wellbeing in the workplace includes aspects such as mental health, social and financial environment.
  • In the United States, the workplace wellness industry has changed by 8000 million dollars, including gym membership, meditation classes, insurance and more.

In 2020, the Covid-19 health crisis brought a new beginning to global working practices. Today, remote, in-person or hybrid methods clearly demonstrate the importance of ensuring the physical and mental safety of employees. “By 2024, the problems will intensify. Technological transformation affects processes and ways of working. In addition, employees are increasingly demanding of their rights and benefits,” explains Sebastian Osin, regional manager of Buk Perú.

This is one of the analyzes from Book’s 2024 HR Trends Study, which identifies the key points that will shape the human resource management agenda. Notable among these is the new concept of workplace wellbeing, which goes beyond traditional benefits and emphasizes shared responsibility between the organization and employees. The paper cites as an example the fact that in the United States, the workplace wellness industry is an $8 billion industry, including gym memberships, meditation classes, insurance and more.

The assessment highlights that HR areas are called upon to play a more strategic role, with a focus on integrating freelance talent, leveraging People analyticsand collaboration to manage artificial intelligence.

The 2024 HR Trends Study also highlights the importance of bi-directional well-being management that goes beyond the physical aspects and considers aspects such as mental, work, social, financial and even transcendental.

The report emphasizes the shared responsibility between organization and employee and suggests that companies not only provide benefits, but also accompany and empower employees in their exploration of purpose, motivation and work goals.

To promote this new view of well-being, the study suggests activities such as:

  • Connection with values: Encourage people to identify their core values ​​so they can understand whether they align with the values ​​of the organization and, in particular, their role or job. If these values ​​do not align, it is worth considering what to do, as this can cause a lack of belonging and demotivation.
  • Self-coaching: Encourage yourself to ask yourself questions about the area of ​​your life you want to work on (work, family, social life, health, etc.) and define goals by examining your current reality, recognizing options, and planning how to move forward.
  • Career management: Professional development and a sense of accomplishment are key to well-being. To do this, it is useful to encourage employees to think about: personal and professional goals, forces that help and hold, among other things.

Adapting to these trends is a challenge for companies looking to retain talent and create healthy, productive work environments. “Regardless of the number of benefits an organization may offer, the biggest contributor to well-being is the individual. The invitation is to know yourself, empower yourself and become the protagonist of your well-being and development in all areas of life. says Sebastian Osin.

Given the importance of well-being within organizations, it is important that they are able to measure how happy employees feel in their workplace. Building Happiness by Buk is a perception survey that applies to all employees of listed companies and measures their happiness based on four pillars: well-being, appreciation, commitment and resilience. The 2023 survey included more than 600 companies from Peru, Chile and Colombia and surveyed more than 90,000 employees.

Companies can now register for the Class of 2024 by visiting

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