Already 10 years ago, on June 4, 2014, the French public released the sci-fi film Edge of Tomorrow, signed by Doug Liman and ported by Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. Le recit nous emmenait dans un futur proche, dans lequel des ordes d’extraterrestres ont livré une bataille acharnée contre la Terre. Ilssembled désormais invincibles: aucune Armée au monde n’a Réussi à les vancre.
Commander William Cage, who has never fought in his life, is sent without the above explanations, in what feels like a suicide mission. Il meurt en l’espace de quelques moment et se returne projeté dans une boucle temporelle, condamné à revivre le même Battle et à mourir de nouveau indéfiniment…
Live, die, repeat!
Cote box office, Edge of Tomorrow was a modest success with $370 million worldwide recipes on a budget of $178 million. In any case, it is the most haunting throughout, like science fiction imagery. I spent 1.2 million currencies in Hexagone.
Tom Cruise, clearly attached to this creation, recently posted a message on his social media page to mark the 10th anniversary of the flight.
“I will take this opportunity to remember the fois de plus Emily Blunt to be a great friend and a brilliant actress. I love the acting in this film. Son of devotion. Son of humor. Sa vulnerabilité et sa puissance. “She apports everything”soulful actor 61 years old.
“On this anniversary, I go down to the incroyables souvenirs. My first collaboration with Doug Liman. Retrouver l’indomptable Brendan Gleeson. And the premiere was that I worked on the great coasts Bill Paxton. “Sa Performance et le Personanage Qu’il Créé Ont Laissee une Marque Indélébile Sur ce Film”Tom Cruise.
A cache of messages from Tom Cruise?
“To everyone who doesn’t appreciate this movie in their movies, thank you to the fans. Et merci à Warner Bros. d’avoir product ce movie. works”, in conclusion. If Tom Cruise has decided to celebrate a 10-year turnaround, this is certainly not an anode.
That last phrase sounds like a neat little phrase that represents Edge of Tomorrow 2, which features projects with Warner? After 2015, the idea of the suite exploded, and Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt became even more confident. In any case, the concrete was not ready at this point.
Today, the company signed a deal with Warner to produce more films, so hopefully they will become available. Tom Cruise is present and will be resurrected on May 21, 2025 in Mission: Impossible 8. As Emily Blunt, she will perform an encore in The Fallen Boy with Ryan Gosling.