D1SoftBallNews.com is one of the most important independent realities active in the panorama of digital media. Every day it makes available to its reader’s contents updated in real-time and is organized in vertical thematic channels.

Thanks to the work of a team of editors and staff that abundantly exceeds the 20 components, the freshness of the contents is inserted in an exclusive, original and always updated graphic, to keep the blogs of the network always in step with the evolutions of the Internet. The conversational tone and the continuous dialogue allow having always direct contact with the readers, millions of unique users that monthly populate the pages and the community of the network.

D1SoftBallNews.com represents the reference point for technology, an unpublished publishing concept that brought the news in real-time, exclusive videos often of global importance in the dedicated youtube channel and brings technology to the public in an innovative way, with vertical news of quality, made by industry experts, with the opinions of the most influential and influential bloggers on the internet scene.