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A complete guide to running from scratch + training plan

Want to run and don’t know where to start? Feeling motivated but not sure what to do first? Make a plan with our guide to avoid failure.

Last update: January 1, 2024

Millions of people around the world enjoy run. If you also want to start running and maintain the habit, there are some considerations that will help you incorporate this activity into your daily routine.

Running is an activity that provides physical, social and mental benefits. It’s an effective way to build cardiovascular endurance, get fit, feel better, and interact with others.

Exercising outdoors can help reduce stress, relieve anxiety and improve your mood.

A good pair of shoes, motivation and will are essential to take the first step.. But that is not all. So that your dedication to run to be a healthy and safe experience, you must take other factors into account. Discover them in this guide.

Different Ways to Run

Although running seems like a simple sport, you should know that there are different ways to practice it. Knowing the different types will help you focus on what you want from the sport and choose the mode that is most comfortable and enjoyable for you.

The most common options are the following:

  • Road: This is one of the most popular and easiest ways to run. Ideal for those just starting out. Includes walking on paved roads and sidewalks.
  • On the recording: This is an alternative in case of bad weather. Treadmills are devices designed to train you to walk by varying the pace, resistance and incline.
  • Career: These are competitions at distances of 5 km, 10 km, half marathons, marathons and ultramarathons. The personal challenge these events provide motivates many people to train hard to achieve their own goals.
  • trail running or mountain run: It consists of running on hiking trails in various rugged terrains, such as mountains or deserts. Crossing hills, dodging roots, climbing logs, and crossing streams are challenges that add to the activity.
  • Hook: These are short distance events such as 100, 200 and 400 meter races with or without hurdles, or long circuit events of up to 25 laps on an outdoor track (10,000 m). Training includes specific work sprint speed.

People who run often combine different options. You can also try out different modes and choose the ones you like best.

How to start running?

Making this activity part of your daily life is a great solution. If you are new to the world run it’s like you’re doing it again after a long break, The main thing is to start gradually.

1. Get a medical examination

If you have not been physically active for more than a year, Consult your physician before starting an exercise program. A routine inspection will confirm that everything is in order.

The specialist will most likely support your initiative and offer some tips and precautions.

If you have been injured, are taking medication, or have a medical condition, it is important to know the specific guidelines you should follow. For example, people with type 1 diabetes may need to snack while running in case their blood sugar levels drop. Those who suffer from high blood pressure may need a heart rate monitor.

2. Find motivation

Thus, running is an activity that you can incorporate into your daily routine and maintain it over time. It is important to think about why you want to do this exercise. Finding motivation will help you be consistent.

Below are some of the reasons that may motivate you:

  • Lose weight.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Interact with others.
  • Improve your overall health.
  • Connect with yourself.
  • Be able to finish the race.
  • Increase resistance and lung capacity.

3. Buy the right equipment

You don’t need complicated materials to start running. But choosing the right shoes, clothing and accessories can make your holiday more comfortable and safe.

Here are some aspects to consider:

  • Sneakers: Choosing the best pair of running shoes is critical. According to the publication British Journal of Sports Medicine, the most convenient option is the one that feels most comfortable. To find the right shoes, try on four or five models and walk around the store.
  • Cloth: Choose comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather. To start, combine a T-shirt and sweatpants. Remember that movement generates body heat, so light clothing is comfortable. It is recommended to dress as if the temperature outside is 10 degrees higher than it actually is.
  • Socks: Comfortable, breathable socks will help prevent blisters. Avoid wearing socks with thick seams and consider whether you prefer ones that are invisible or ones that cover the back of the ankle.
  • Sunscreen: If you exercise outdoors, in either hot or cold climates, you should apply a chemical or mineral sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply every hour.
  • Synchronization devices: Although it’s not basic equipment, having a timer will help you manage your workout. You can use a standard watch, a high-end GPS watch, or an app on your mobile phone.
  • Playlist: Calmness and solitude help many athletes while running. Others, however, are motivated by listening to music while running, a podcast or an audiobook.

4. Preheat

Before you start running It is important to warm up to prepare your muscles for the workout. Ideally, focus on dynamic stretches with simple and repetitive movements.

You can do light walking or jogging for 5 to 10 minutes and then increase the intensity. You can also keep in mind simple yoga sequences, squats, lunges, calf raises, arm movements, and jumping.

5. Set your pace and distance

When you start running, the pace and distance you cover will depend on your health, athletic history, and current physical condition. Ideally, start gradually gradually increasing the intensity.

Once you’ve been running for a while, you can pick up the pace, increase your mileage, or increase your endurance in minutes or hours.

A pace that allows you to speak in full sentences while moving is considered comfortable. You can start by walking at an easy pace and then increase the intensity until you can walk quickly.

After you’ve been walking for a few weeks, you can add running intervals. Combine walking with running. As you feel more comfortable, you will increase your running time until you can stop walking completely.

6. Follow the plan

To get started in run, The ideal is to create and follow a training plan that will help you achieve your goals. Planning your workouts each week will help you set achievable goals and maintain your practice.

Knowing what to do each day and having a schedule helps you avoid frustration.

Your program should include breaks and exercises other than running. for example, cycling, strength training or swimming. These different practices are what is called cross-training.

It’s about balancing other muscles and joints that are not exercised by running. Well, doing the same activity day after day can overstress certain parts of the body and cause injury.

Rest days are also important to help the body recover. Gentle activities such as yoga or Pilates are great alternatives.

If you experience muscle pain, leg cramps, or decreased mobility for several days while following your training plan, It is necessary to change the schedule and add more rest days. While discomfort is normal, you should listen to your body and not overexert yourself.

7. Find and practice a suitable technique.

Running is a natural movement, but paying attention to form can enhance the experience. In addition to preventing injuries.

  • Breathe smoothly: Using your nose and mouth can help you get more oxygen. Deep belly breathing can help prevent unpleasant side stitches or cramps.
  • Maintain good posture: Maintain an upright position: head upright, back straight, shoulders level and relaxed, pelvis neutral. Try not to lean forward or backward at the waist.
  • Swing your arms just this far: Try to move your arms back and forth from the shoulder joint without overdoing the swing. The elbow should always maintain a 90 degree angle.
  • Keep your arms relaxed: Avoid clenching your fists to avoid causing upward tension in your forearms, shoulders and neck.

What to eat and drink while running?

Another aspect to consider is paying attention to what you eat and drink before, during and after your workout. You lose water through sweat, so Ideally drink every 20 minutes..

If there is no access to liquid on your routes, naturally, you will have to carry it with you. In particular, if your workout involves running for a long time (90 minutes or more), you should include a sports drink to replenish lost minerals.

Plan to eat an hour before your run to ensure you have enough energy and don’t upset your stomach. Don’t think about large meals, but rather small, handful-sized snacks.

Before running, you can eat something light and rich in carbohydrates, but low in fat, protein and fiber. Half a peanut butter sandwich is a good snack option.

If you’re running for more than 90 minutes, you’ll need to replenish some of the energy you burn mid-workout. A general rule of thumb is to consume 100 calories after an hour of exercise. run and another 100 calories every 45 minutes. Energy gels, sports bars and sweets are foods that are easy to carry.

To recover after a long run, prefers carbohydrates and proteins within 15 minutes of stopping. At this moment, you find yourself with a “debt” of oxygen and kilocalories from your body.

But be careful! Training snacks do not replace a regular meal. Stick to a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine and add snacks before and after your workout.

Basic training plan to start running

Now that you know what to keep in mind when starting to run, it’s time to move your legs. We suggest a plan if you are new to this exercise and have no previous experience:

Week by week, you can increase the number of running minutes and decrease the walking time. At some point, perhaps after 2 months, you will reach 30 minutes of continuous running.

This is a turning point. This means you can already handle half an hour of activity and can plan for more distance and speed in the medium term.

Next, all that remains is to set goals. Are you planning to train for a race or half marathon? Do you intend to lose a certain number of kilograms? Want to keep up the habit of improving your breathing ability? What you set as a goal will determine the direction of your learning.

Run at your own pace

The worst part about starting a run is the pain that accompanies the new routine. Don’t let cramps, side stitches and discomfort throw you off course.

Maintaining this habit requires willpower.. Plan and preparation are tools that provide support, but there is internal motivation that depends on you.

Don’t be impatient Respect your time and follow your own pace. By putting into practice the tips we share here, you can make this sport a safe and fun activity.

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