A third of the world’s population does not exercise at all

He 31% adult population of the world, that is, almost 1.8 billion adultsdo not engage in any physical activity and are at risk of developing diseases because of it, especially women, which represents a 6% increase between 2010 and 2022, according to new data presented by the World Health Organization (WHO), published in an article in the journal The Lancet Global Health. In addition, People over 60 years old They are less active than other adults, highlighting the importance of promoting physical activity among this group.

The results indicate ‘Alarming’ trend of physical inactivity Among adults, this figure will increase from 24% in 2010 to 31% in 2022. As WHO experts emphasized at a press conference dedicated to the study, if the trend continues, the level of inactivity is expected to continue to rise until it reaches 35% by 2030, and the world is currently far from achieving the global target of reducing physical activity by 2030.

However, Spain is below the world average because Only 25% of the population does not engage in any physical activityand women are more inactive than men.

Older people in Spain do more physical activity than the rest of the world's population (Big Stock)

At the moment, WHO recommends for adults to do 150 minutes physical activity moderate intensityor 75 minutes exercises energetic intensity. Non-compliance these recommendations will be included in the concept of “disability”.Where is he located one third of the population world.

In this context, Director of Health Promotion WHO andDr. Ruediger Krechwarned that inaction is “silent threat to global health” given that “makes a significant contribution burden of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancerg, diabetes or frespiratory diseasesWith”.

“After 10 years 500 million new cases could have been avoided non-communicable diseases, which would cost the public health system $300,000 million if the population achieve the recommended activity level “physical,” he noted.

The expert claims that “physical activity must be available, accessible And nice for everyone so we can significantly reduce the risk non-communicable diseases and mental disorders.”

Older people in Spain do more physical activity than the rest of the world's population Sedentary lifestyle Depression 348404296

Women are less active than men

The data also indicates a continuation of the trend that women are less active that men, with level of inactivity belonging 34 vs 29%

In particular, as emphasized by the Head of the Division of Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting of the Department of Noncommunicable Diseases of WHO, Dr. Lynn Riley, “increase in some countries up to 20% and in more than a third of countries it exceeds 10% “.

Global inaction

Besides, highest rates hypodynamia is observed in Asian-Pacific area high income (48%) And South Asia (Four five%). In other regions they range from 28% of Western countries high income, among which are Spain, and the 14th% Ocean.

As experts emphasized, there are several reasons for this physical inactivity increases World. These include changes in work patterns (tendency to more sedentary work), changes in the environmentwhich makes active transportation difficult, and changes in activity leisurethat is more sedentary activity in front of a screen.

Taking this data into accountThe World Health Organization does appeal to countries strengthen the use policies that promote and make it easier physical activity.

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