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According to a study, this is the main reason for scratching furniture

Domestic cats become completely accustomed to living with humans and, although they have common and generalized personality traits, many of them present specific behaviors and behaviors that make them unique. In fact, one of the differences between the different domestic cats in terms of their habits is the fact of scratching furniture. While some only scratch on their scratching post, others do not. Others don’t stop scratching wooden furniture, sofas, curtains…

This last behavior can be annoying and distressing for the animal’s owners, who see all their furniture destroyed in a short time, since the fact Scratching is natural for cats, they all have this habit, Although their thing is that they do it mostly in a scratching post specific for it.

“Domestic cats have a complex nature, as they are social animals and have strong territorial instincts. This complexity often leads people to misunderstanding the behavioral and environmental needs of cats, regardless of their level of theoretical knowledge,” presents a new study titled Assessing unwanted scratching in domestic cats: a multifactorial approach to understanding risk factors,

The group of scientists notes that “scratching behavior, which is included in the normal behavioral repertoire of cats, is one of the clearest examples of this misinterpretation, since this behavior is often “It is perceived as a behavioural problem by carers”Hence the study, published in Pioneers in veterinary scienceThe aim is to comprehensively evaluate unwanted scratching, focusing on the intensity and frequency of this behavior.

Why do cats scratch furniture?

The researchers asked even more 1,200 cat owners in France on daily life and characteristicsas well as the unwanted scratching behavior of their feline companions. The researchers’ results showed that there are several factors that influence cats’ scratching behavior, as indicated by Europa Press.

In this way, many reasons have been given which are directly related to a Increased scratching by cats in the home, including:

  • Presence of children The cat’s scratching increases in the house.
  • Cat Personality Traits: Cats that are described as aggressive or disruptive are more likely to scratch furniture.
  • Your activity level: High levels of play and night activity encourage scratching on furniture.

In addition, there is another main reason cited by the researchers of this study: stress. In fact, Stress is one of the main causes of unwanted bruises. For example, the presence of children, especially when they are young, can increase stress and can be one of the various reasons that can cause cats to scratch due to stress. However, the relationship between increased scratching and the presence of children in the home is not fully understood and more studies are needed. Another factor that can also be related to stress is the desire to play. When cats play for long periods of time, their stress levels can increase due to non-stop stimulation.

What to do if a cat is scratching the pole?

Although some factors that encourage scratching (such as the cat’s personality or the presence of children) cannot be modified, others can be modifiedaccording to the researchers. Placing scratching posts in areas that the cat passes through frequently or near its favorite resting place or, for example, the use of pheromones can reduce scratching of furniture by cats.

,Provide safe hiding places, high viewing spots, and plenty of opportunities to play It can also help relieve stress and engage the cat in more constructive activities,” says Salgilli Demirbas. The key is to set up several short play sessions that mimic successful hunting scenarios. These play sessions are more likely to keep cats interested and reduce stress, which can ultimately lead to excessive scratching of furniture. They can also promote bonding between cats and their caregivers, the researchers say.

“Understanding the underlying emotional motivations for bad behavior, such as frustration, which appear to be linked to personality traits and environmental factors, allows caregivers to address these issues directly” says Salgirli Demirbas. While the researchers had to rely on self-reported data, which is prone to subjectivity, they have gained unique insights into the scratching behaviour of cats.

Thus, it is noteworthy that “Provide well-located scratching posts in frequently visited areas This may help to redirect scratching by the cat to more suitable surfaces, which may reduce damage to household objects.” You can try different areas to place the scratcher.

The aim of this and future research is to develop strategies is more effective in controlling this behaviorultimately improving the bond and harmony between cats and their caregivers, the end

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