According to Android Authority, Google is preparing its own review. And a priori, we like it much more than Microsoft’s

Google will unveil its new Pixel 9 on August 13, but along with the new hardware, there are also some big changes coming to the software of these devices. And in one area in particular: artificial intelligence, which will be the star of this launch. According to Android Authority, there will be several new features, but one that stands out is a very special one that has recently caused controversy within Microsoft.

turn me on. In addition to the features already introduced and integrated into Pixel and some others, such as Gemini or “Circle to find”, one of the new features of the “Google AI” platform will be “Add me”, a feature that, judging by the leaked screenshots, will make sure that everyone is included in group photos. This option is apparently an evolution of the “Best Take” option, which allowed everyone in the photo to look with their eyes closed or too serious after a group shot.

Google AI1
Google AI1

Studio. Another recommended option would be Studio, whose description points to an AI model that generates images, which may be similar to Apple’s Image Playground. Here, we probably have a simple (but also limited) way to generate images using AI to include in any situation.

Screenshots are Google Recall Lite.. The option that attracts the most attention is undoubtedly “Screenshots”, especially because, judging by the leaked images, it will offer something very similar to what Microsoft has offered in its Windows Recall program. If we activate it, Google points out, “it will store and process useful details to transform (this catalog of screenshots) into an indexed library that will allow you to search for anything in your screenshots.”

Screenshot 2024 07 03 B 9 51 14
Screenshot 2024 07 03 B 9 51 14

Source: Android Authority.

Record what you are filming, but you are filming it.. The fundamental difference between Recall and Screenshots is that you choose what information you want the system to remember. In Windows Recall, these screenshots are constantly being taken and saved, indexed, and tagged. In Google Screenshots, you take screenshots whenever you want, so only the ones you want the system to remember and categorize are saved, indexed, and tagged.

How to avoid contradictions. If confirmed, this operation would be much more discreet than the one proposed by Microsoft, which with Recall aims to record absolutely everything we do on our computer. Although they guarantee complete privacy of the data, as well as its storage and processing locally, suspicions are inevitable, especially since these constant captures may include sensitive information such as passwords or account numbers.

Successful implementationGoogle’s move here seems particularly successful, especially after the criticism it received from Recall. It was a privacy disaster when it was initially implemented, but Microsoft responded by fixing several issues and opting for a much more cautious rollout. In fact, they eventually shelved it.

Google on the run. Previously, the Pixel launch took place in October, but the company decided to push back the Pixel 9 reveal by two months, all likely to gain a foothold in the AI ​​race. Googel AI features seem to aim to be some sort of “improved mix” of what Apple or Microsoft have in their respective offerings.

Image | OnLix

In Hatake | It seemed like Windows and macOS would be flooded with AI features in 2024. All we have are crumbs

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