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According to the Animal Welfare Observatory, 70% of the chicken of a large supermarket chain is contaminated with resistant bacteria

According to the Animal Welfare Observatory, 70% of the chicken of a large supermarket chain is contaminated with resistant bacteriaAnimal Welfare Observatory

A microbiological analysis on a European scale, promoted by several animal rights organisations, including the Animal Welfare Observatory (OBA), indicates that More than 70% of chicken meat is sold Lidl Contains bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. In addition, diarrheal pathogens such as Listeria were detected in 38% of the samples analyzed and E. coli and Campylobacter in 83%. According to the OBA, the alert has been brought to the attention of the ministries consumption And Agriculture,

However, Lidl denies the accusation and claims it has certificates of analysis performed by the supermarket chain and its suppliers, which “categorically contradict the information provided in the study.”

The animal rights organization, for its part, indicates that it has been analyzed by a the laboratory The research, accredited by the German organization DAkks and based in Cologne, has analyzed the most important bacteria associated with foodborne infections in 142 Lidl brand products, sold in 22 establishments. Spain, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Poland,

The Spanish products analysed are the following: ‘split tipless chicken wings’, ‘chicken hams’, ‘chicken hindquarters’, ‘chicken carcass’ and ‘chicken breast’ and were purchased as Madrid, Valencia and Barcelonaaccording to information transmitted by the OBA. The result of their microbiological analysis shows that 17 of the 24 Spanish samples, 71%, were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, while a third of the products in Germany or 58% in the United Kingdom were contaminated. These germs can cause urinary tract infections, pneumonia or septicemia, among others Patience Antibiotics are a major health problem, affecting approximately 35,000 people Deaths per year only in Europe.


The study also reveals the presence of the pathogen that causes it Diarrhea. Specifically, it has been found that 83% of Lidl Spain’s chicken meat contains CampylobacterWhich can cause anything from asymptomatic infection to severe diarrhea with fever and general symptoms of illness to secondary diseases like inflammation. Joint and generalized symptoms of paralysis or Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Similarly, 83% of Spanish samples included Escherichia coli and 38% Enterococci. The first pathogen can cause diarrhea or urine infectionbut with the possibility of blood poisoning. Enterococci can cause chronic urinary tract infections. And if these germs are Multi ResistantStandard antibiotics are not useful for treating these pathologies.

The laboratory also found Listeria monocytogenes 38% of products in Spain that can cause serious harm, including to unborn babies spontaneous abortion; and in people with weakened immune defenses, “it can cause serious illnesses,” according to the NGO.


The Animal Welfare Observatory assures that it has transferred these findings Ministries Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030 and Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, requesting that the chicken meat sold at Lidl be investigated for the microbiological presence of pathogens resistant to antibiotics and other pathogens with a potential impact on public health and that a Public reports on the case,

Eating contaminated meat does not cause immediate illness, but “there is a risk that eating the meat will spread the germs to humans not prepared properly“, explains Dr. Imke Lührs, a specialist in internal medicine and former adviser to the Bundestag, according to statements included in the statement released by the OBA. “In the case of unfortunate circumstances, such as pre-existing illnesses, the administration of antibiotics for other reasons, an injury or an operation (intake of germs through the flesh), can become Serious threat For health,” warns the expert.

Horror Farm

Julia Elizalde, campaign manager at the Animal Welfare Observatory (OBA), attributes the problem to the fact that some of Lidl’s suppliers breed animals.Crowd Chickens Amidst excrement, which is a paradise for the spread of pathogens.” His idea is inspired by the fact that the OBA recently exposed a ‘terrorist farm’ in Burgos – where pigs are raised Malformations and animals are mistreated – which, according to animal rights organizations, is linked to Supplier which supplies sausages to Lidl. And a few years ago the unit denounced several farms where chickens are mistreated, which are allegedly also linked to the supermarket chain.

However, Lidl denies the allegations. The supermarket chain believes the new study is “an act to discredit the company’s image false information and/or not verified”, taking into account that “the articles analysed are believed to have been produced by suppliers that supply chicken meat to a large part of the Spanish distribution chains”.

Likewise, Lidl emphasizes that “the bacteria that may be present in chicken meat are not the result of Breeding Method particularly our suppliers, but they represent General Challenge For the entire poultry meat industry.

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