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Adele Exarchopoulos: “With this film, I’m encore plus jealous, I want”

Cillian Murphy at the Ouverture du 51e festival in Ghent

Dans le troisième long métrage de Lellouche (after Narcos in 2004, etc. Le Grand Bain in 2018), Adele Exarchopoulos embodied Jackie, who pushed aside Clotaire (François Civil), the son of the love of youth, after the celui-ci passed by and was in prison. As a teenager, love came from the countryside for the talented Malorie Vanek (discovered in Le Pires il ya deux ans) et Malik Frikah.

Alors qu’elle Tourne Actuellement, aux Côtés de Gilles Lellouche (also Xavier Dolan and Louis Garrel) Chien 51Cedric Jimenez’s new film, a sci-fi adventure film dedicated to the retrospective of Adele Exarchopoulos in the style of another sci-fi film, Planet B d’Aude Lea Rapin. “This is what I prefer in movies! Chien 51 it happened in the world everyone expected. You choose methods, actions and ask many questions about artificial intelligence. Planet BSo this is a film about a small economy, or upheaval, in a pose of imaginary questions that touch on what it means to rest in a democracy. And the bathroom je vais faire le prochain Quentin Dupieux (L’Avant-dernière sessiondon’t debut at the tournament and don’t celebrate the pro-chain in war, NdlR)which is completely farfel. “Ce qui me brait, c’est que, derrière toute cette fantaisie, il ya toujours une profondeur”we trust the actress during her Ganda days.

In 2017 aux Côtés de Matthias Schoenaerts, vous jouiez dans Le Fidel du Belge Michael Roskamleave a love story that loves violence. Ce sont des histoires qui vous attirent particulièrement?

No. I can’t ask questions related to genre, politics or theme. After love, this is what you chose d’assez Universel. Là, en l’occurrence, ce qui me bouleverse dans cette histoire, this is what speaks of the different forms of love: l’amour filial, l’amour fraternel, l’amour amoureux. And, during my stay, with varieties of social memories. It seems that, under duress, this is all history of declassification; It’s been 10 years in prison, it’s incredible. And then, there are many more of Jackie and Clotaire’s children, teenagers and adults. It was a movie that after I saw the script, I was jealous of the wonderful party in this adventure. Parce que, d’un coup, meme moi, individuellement, j’ai encore plus envie d’aimer, d’etre amée. C’est ça qui est beau dans le cinéma, quand, au-delà d’une émotion, ça te laisse carrément une intentions.

“Faithful”: a romantic film noir with Matthias Schoenaerts and Adele Exarchopoulos.

Comment if you worked with young Mallory Vanek, who is your person as a teenager?

Ce qui était marrant, c’est que je ne la connaissais pas, mais tout le monde me parlait d’elle. This worries me: il y’a une petite qui te ressemble… When I look Le PiresI was very flat. Elle est exceptionnelle. I love the purity and grace of this actress. On the retreat I met Malik; I’m going to leave François Civil. At a party at the National Palace of Marseille with the Horde, for an essay of choreography, a car, a la base, he is waiting for me to return, plus oneiric dances in the film. This is open clothing. Avec Mallory, our characters are when we find ourselves in different moments. Jackie is not a plus woman. He does not make an essay on the world effects fair in the manner of March or Fumer. That plus the questions you ask everyone. Est-ce qu’elle a eu envie de le rejeter quand il était en a Prijet? Est-ce qu’elle le croit innocent? One night, these thoughts gathered for the sake of Jackie’s similar interior.


When I do this, I meet with the actress, responsible for the work on my passport serving me.

You’re collaborating with Mallory Vanek, who has the approach, the temperament, the energy and the spontaneous way with the camera…

This is what has enormous emotional availability. I may be working on various projects. I want to work with coaches. I’m not saying that seems like a point of view. Par contre, ce qui est difficile à faire, it is currently available, as well as the directions that we make. She is extremely sensitive to jealousy. He arrived with a gimmick built. It consists of three sincere people. I thought that, là-dessus, it looked like myself.

“Les Pires”: premiere of the full-length film “Criant de truth sur le vrai du artificial cinema”.

Vous êtes comédienne depuis 2006. Vous avez l’impression d’etre devenue une meilleure aujourd’hui? Do you want to buy luggage?

Yes, it’s still before the movie. Jacket film comes in different varieties. This is the power of instinct of the avant-garde character. You chose vertigo in Notre-Metier. When I don’t get a role, for example through casting, which is an offer, it makes me look beautiful and beautiful! He told me: “Imagine, en fait, j’y arrived pas. Imagine, c’est pas moi. Imagine, I’m wearing vire…” J’ai des doutes. But the difference is this: when I need to write a message in my passport, I tell you: “Ouais, bon, vas-y, je vais être actress.” After all, there is a trick that is constantly being built… It does not exist without a certain actor.


Wait and never come to a film that decides to be comfortable…

Ce trac peut-il can also be constructive? Will you allow me to leave?

In my life I thought this was the most important desire. Quand t’as peur, you te superior to beaucoup plus. Et puis quand t’as peur, c’est qu’il ya Force de l’excitation et l’envie d’etre à la hauteur. Pour moi, this is the motor. Wait and never come to a film that decides to be comfortable…

The moment I discovered Jackie, she rekindled her passion. It is installed by fellow countryman Vincent Lacoste, who is nothing more than Clotaire. Did she resign?

This is a lot of people who are in this genre of love. Affective safety can be a reason to rest for a long time. Je ne juge pas du tout. Chacun trouve son bonheur et le limite à ce qu’il veut. Ce que je me suis raconté, c’est que, when, at the moment of your life, you, as été détruite, si, d’un coup, on te viewe, on t’aime, on te considere, il ya quelque chose who will bring you the power of a human being. Je m’étais aussi raconté qu’inconsciemment, c’était pour pouvoir ramener quelqu’un de bien à son père, qui avait encore plus envie d’y croire qu’elle. This is the night , change of work at all times.

In the film “L’Amour ouf” Adele Exarchopoulos looks back at François Civil, with whom she was on tour in Cedric Jimenez’s “BAC Nord” in 2020. ©Cinéart

I received an impression from the tenant on the aunt and on the Gilles pendant for 2 hours 30 minutes.

This film is very ambitious in terms of mise-en-scene, very lyrical. When you discover it, will you take part in it?

I was very moved as I was in this scenario. This is été le cas. But most of all I wished I had been present for the impressive Australian mise-en-scène that is a habit to watch in French cinema. J’ai eu l’impression de rentrer dans la tête et dans le cœur de Gilles Accessories 2:30 et de voir l’histoire qu’il avait rêvée de faire depuis 17 years. I found this film extremely faithful to Gilles.

Adele Exarchopoulos: “I’ll tell you when you see me now”

To build this pairing with François Civil, did you make it possible to tour the ensemble to make the choice easier?

Yes, bien sur. He knows. I know that this is the best partner, the third accomplice, the third Australian. François is très drôle, très généreux. I am a very shaven and impressionable tourist with Louis, the car is an actor whom I rate as the norm. This is a brilliant idea. Un jour, I know this: “Present, j’ai plus de jours de Tournage with Vincent Lacoste, qu’avec toi. Les gens vont viewer 2h40 de Film et ils vont nous voir 20 minutes. Comment on va réussir à être à la hauteur de ces jeunes acteurs, de ces teenagers, de leur histoire ? Comment les gens vont y croire? And I said: “Tu sais quoi? Il ne faut pas qu’on se mette la pression avec ça. Most importantly, c’est qu’on se nourrisse de tout ce qu’ils ont vécu. Avant nos Scenes, on va faire toute la party Teenagers, but it’s best that I and I…” We have many assistants to help you through the first meeting, first meeting, first meeting… Cela nous a beaucoup plus nourris que de repéter les scènes qu’on allait devoir jouer, nous, à l’Hoppital.


Aujourd’hui, on est dans un monde où tout va beaucoup plus vite, tout se consomme très vite.

Vous n’avez pas connu les années 1980. Mais avez-vous Retrouvé quelque chose their adolescence among these characters?

Phone booths! On était trop gêné d’appeler chez les parents le fixe, de requiresi untel était là… And puis les les 157 mots que Clotaire lui déclame à la fin, ça me fait penser aux Letters, aux mots qu’on s’envoyait en classe . I have three nostalgic moments for you. Aujourd’hui, on est dans un monde où tout va beaucoup plus vite, tout se consomme très vite…


Kechiche’s skill can tell you that he will give you this opportunity.

In 2013 you crocheted the Palme d’Or. Life of d’Adele d’Abdellatif Kechiche. L’expérience n’a pas été simple mais quelle quelle ce the movie at-il laissez en vous?

When I told you that my life was changing, there was nothing wrong with it. Javais 17 answers. I’m just on the Coca-Cola train to Cannes, and that’s enough for me. This is more reality. Life of d’Adele m’a ouvert d’immenses portes. I know the genre of film that I love and the freedom that I love in a certain style of film. In the bathroom I learned what happens in controversy, in advertising. This work is reminiscent of the great premiere of a love story. And like in the great premieres of love stories, we will learn to say: “Ça, c’est précieux pour moi. Ça, ça l’est beaucoup moins…” When I went straight back to work Life of d’AdeleI was a young man, I was 19 years old, and it was difficult. Kechiche’s skill can tell you that he will give you that opportunity. He was never alone, neither in the text nor in the script. You don’t know what to do with the commentary, the film will end when you examine it. Will she die? No, she was a mistress. No, finally, tu la quittes… Or are you waiting for the form of the pinnacle of creating ensemble films. In the parks of Lille, on the branches feuilles mortes et il y avait un mec qui se mettait dans un arbre et qui nous les jetait pendant qu’on parlait sur un Banc. I was waiting for the extreme human, free and collective work that I adore. In the meantime, when I have a retro bathroom on the plateau and what I said: “Là, c’est ta marque!”que les chooses sont devenues scolaires parfois, I’m panicking. He told me: “In fact, it’s possible that I don’t say I’m playing if Kechiche doesn’t blah.” Du coup, j’ai pris mon temps. I refuse to choose. I guess it’s true that I’m not saying that it’s wrong and that it’s not serious. Il ya juste des gens qui le font beaucoup mieux que moi. And there’s so much to it. And after that I wrote an essay about the fair that I am holding…

Adele Exarchopoulos and François Civil, love each other in “L’Amour ouf” by Gilles Lellouche. ©Cineart

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