Almudena Ariza was scolded by “Jewish extremists” while recording a report in Jerusalem for TVE

Yotel Editorial

06/07/2024 21:57


Almudena Ariza has once again shown the obstacles she faces in doing her job as a reporter Israel from TVE. This Friday, the journalist of the public channel uploaded a video in which she showed how He was berated by “Jewish extremists” while he was reporting on Jerusalem Day.

“Here I show you a small part of how we live Jerusalem Day. Jewish extremists attacked Palestinian civilians and repeatedly tried to hinder the work of informants. You have already done it justice. (And none of this would have been possible without the person behind it),” the communicator wrote on his official Twitter account (now known as X), also mentioning his camera partner, Nacho Cañizares.

In the images he published, you can see how Ariza tries to explain what happens in the Flag March, which took place on Jerusalem Day, while some of the attendees He tried to cover the camera with his hands. Throughout the event, according to the journalist, some of those present shouted insults and anti-Arab slogans, in addition to berating Palestinian merchants, even forcing them to close.

This is not the only moment of this type that Almudena Ariza has had to go through since the arrival of the reporter TVE in Jerusalem. In early April, News broadcast The live connection with the TVE correspondent in Jerusalem had to be abruptly cut off after several citizens interrupted it while she was reporting on internal pressures being faced from the region. benjamin netanyahuPrime Minister of Israel for the war in Gaza.

in that moment, A man silently entered the shot to prevent Ariza from continuing her live chronicle. “They’re not letting us … I’m so sorry, we have to close it down,” the journalist commented, before explaining to the spontaneous person, who was joined by others, that she was working on: “We stay.”

“I’m sorry, we have to stop this communication because they won’t let us continue,” Ariza said, then clarified that they were civilians passing by: “These are not police or security members.” After the connection was cut, Herranz picked up the witness from the set: “We were watching how our correspondent in Jerusalem, Almudena Ariza, was not allowed to continue with that live show.”


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