Categories: Entertainment

Angelina Jolie makes this elegant statement about her character Malefic

November 29, 2024, 6:14 pm at the cinema.

Malefic 3 This was announced by only a couple of sources for Disney, and then radio silence… The company aux grandes oreilles did not announce the debut of the tour of this suite and does not indicate what kind of project it was. was officially confirmed. Alors qu’Angelina Jolie was never confirmed at the casting, The famous actress made an unexpected statement.

Malefic, popular master

Outing in 2014 in the darkened halls, adaptation within the framework of vue réelles de La Belle aux Bois Sleepingtalking about mechanical viewpoints, you admire Disney’s best success. And the presence of Angelina Jolie in the costume of the main character Malefic is nowhere to be seen! They are framed by two horns, all black, red leaves and sails. comedienne and also an attractive qu’inquiétante. They form a duet with printer Elle Fanning, who recreates Princess Aurora while remaining a charming audience. With a budget of $180 million, The live action was available in 758 worldwide. This is also the package that Disney is officially launching: but with an equivalent budget, the sequel is already available and costs $491 million worldwide.

Angelina Jolie “partant” for the role of her son

Lorska Angelina Jolie is in demand among our Deadline brethren if she wants to play the role of the Disney master, she responded with enthusiasm that“El”I love the Art Nouveau incarnation“. Well, the Wall Street Journal has confirmed that there will be a casting call. Malefic 3 (d’ailleurs, le movie n’aurait aucun sens sans elle), and what was ready before, il semblerait que les choses ne soient pas si simples que ça. Actress proposal implied plus possible statement : the fate of this suite is completely determined, and, judging by the années risquent de passer avant que le movie ne voit (peut-être) le jour…

Et vous, aimeriez-vous voir Malefic 3 ?

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