Are you tired of unread WhatsApp messages? New app update thinking of you

Millions of users will appreciate the new feature of the messaging app.

If you have a smartphone, you most likely use whatsapp. According to the latest registration data for the North American app, it is collected daily. over 2 billion users, a figure that makes it one of the most popular apps in the world. And therefore WhatsApp is in constant renewal phasebecause it must cover the needs billions of users use the app.

However, according to the French portal JeuxVideo V recent publicationThe upcoming tool that WhatsApp will release is aimed at a specific type of user: those who don’t read group chats. For many, participating in these types of conversations means reading hundreds of messages a day, an aspect they are unwilling to fulfill. So, keeping these people in mind, Meta has given the green light to a future update, which can now be tested in the app’s beta phase.

Messages will not be deleted

A feature temporarily known as “delete unread messages when opening the app” will give users who are annoyed by notifications the opportunity to eliminate them completely. This way, when they log into WhatsApp, they won’t find notifications about which conversations they haven’t read, but they will all appear the same: without any number indicating unread messages.

For now, this feature is only available to those who have access to the WhatsApp beta phase – an aspect reserved for developers and the most curious users. In addition, initial information confirms that messages are not deleted, just a notification. So once it’s available to all users, you don’t have to worry: even if you don’t read that group that gets hundreds of messages every hour, you won’t have to log in to delete the notification anymore.

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Main image: Murizal Zativa (Unsplash)

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