Categories: Entertainment

Austin Butler and Tom Hardy on bikers: why “Bike Racers” became the best movie in cinema in 2024? – Actus Sine

In September before Love, Jeff Nichols finally returns to the movies. And with one of his heart projects: “Bikers,” a history of American bikers of the 60s, based on a book of photographs named after him.

Ça parle de quoi?

In a city bar, Katie, a young woman with an energetic temperament, Croise Benny, who has joined a gang of motorcycle vandals, and tombe aussitôt sous soncharme. À l’image du pas tout entier, le Gang, Dirigé par l’énigmatique Johnny, évolue peu à peu… Alors que les motards Accueillaient Tous ceux qui avaient du Mal à Trouver leur Place dans la Société, les Vandals deviennent une Bande de voyous sans vergogne. Benny chose Katie and her loyal friends in this gang.

3 good reasons to watch Biker Riders

Argument “it’s a new movie” Jeff Nichols Pourrait se suffire à lui-même. The car excites the best American implementers who attach great importance to country and history, with a special focus on people. Et nous étions sans nouvelles de lui, cinématographiquement parlant, depuis 2017 et la sortie de Loving.

Autant dire une éternité lorsque l’on parle d’un aussi précieux, qu’il reste terre-à-terre (Dirt, Love) or flirtation de façon or moins prononcée avec le fantastique (les Visions de Take Shelter ou la science- fantasy from Midnight Special). If you are not convinced enough, give three more arguments.

1 – Based on a story from life… or presque

The biker gang doesn’t inspire the film to exist. And every day the most important office of the arch-rival of the Hells Angels takes place, with those insults that were killed by death, like the exact Jeff Nichols, as we speak to us, as well as a new film in Paris. A long film published in a collection of photographs entitled “Cicycle Racers” et signed by Danny Lyon.

If the characters foreshadow that there are many people, the names of the memes that are the models of the author, the story that tells about long meters is not part of the book. Jeff Nichols’s car was the material used to realize those dreams: it charted the fate of America’s motard group in the 60s. Le temps d’un recit fictif dont les racines sont ancrees dans le cat.

The photographs show details of the motorcycle’s appearance, fine clothing and mannerisms. Most of the interviews that Danny implemented, which were in clothes without a filter, you don’t know the psychology, which is a thing of the past for all these people. Exciting feeling

“I discovered this book in 2003”we know movies. “Il s’agissait d’une édition augmentée, que Danny Lyon doesn’t want it to be, as I learned later. Mais je préférais sa couverture. The black and white version is the second preliminary sentence written within my text, in my passage.”

“Il disait: “Ce club n’existe plus. On our appeal service are old criminals (Outlaws étant le nom du groupe, ndlr) and this is the end of l’âge d’or de la moto.” This idea was most rested and was not in the form of a film: le fait de raconter la trajectoire d’un club de motards au cours des années 60. Most of the content of Danny’s book était bien plus is interesting that cela Il y avait vraiment. all the details needed to reveal your culture.

“Photographs montrent des détails sur l’apparence, le tenue ropaire et la manière dont ils construisent leur moto. Most of the interviews that were realized, qui sont vraiment sans filter, vous donnent la Psychologie qui se Cache derrière tous ces gens. “It’s exciting.” The Biker Boys is not a biopic any more than it is a photograph of an era and mode of life. He’s literally excited to see Danny Lyon’s (Mike Feist) character come in to tell the story.

2. Casting on Arrier Street on the talent route.

Challengers Spotlight Mike Feist plays with observers. Car c’est à lui, to whom Jeff Nichols entrusted the role of the book’s author “Cyclists“, Danny Lyon, who is a figure in the history of these motorcyclists of that time. Un procédé narrative certes classique mais très efficace, où le comédien Révélé par le West Side Story by Steven Spielberg is l’une des étoiles du casting.

And Austin Butler is considered another American icon after Elvis: Marlon Brando, who The Bikeriders cite in his post as a reference to Laszlo Benedek’s L’Equipée sauvage, which became the point of departure from the club. Aux côtés de l’acteur, which confirms the status of a star and power without reserve l’impression qu’il prend la pose, in retrospect ie autre valeur montante: Jodie Comer, l’une des Rarees Touches feminines d’un récit où la Masculinity also is the subject of discussion.

Universal Pictures International France

Boyd Holbrook, Damon Herriman (Charles Manson from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, poised to be apprenticed to one…Austin Butler) and Emory Cohen are equally involved in the role. Everyone is like Tom Hardy, not brut-côté and not authorite-natural-sont-parfaitment a-leur-place in this universe, son-character, creator of the gang, shine for love.

This is an elegant edition, full of Norman Reedus’s creed, in an edition of another group and actor Jeff Nichols’ fetish, Michael Shannon. It’s a lot of fun when he’s not captivated by the author of the scene. And who is present in six full-length films of the realist.

3 – Best films of 2024?

Autant ne pas Tourner Autour du Pot: in the first semester of 2024, “Beekeriders” reached the top of the list of films sorted in the halls. In addition to Malin, “A Car If Premiere Scenes Can Be an Ardent Thinker in Cinema” by Martin Scorsese (with voice off and image delay), or risky to rewatch it Affranchis “de motars” Of course, the long footage was open.

En faisant de ses personnages des icônes (Benny, played by Austin Butler, in private) most archetypes or ice paper figures. The confusion of heroes, incarnations, brutality and simplicity of failures and contradictions that prefer to immerse the viewer in this world and in this era. In the back of the glorifying cast, Jeff Nichols plays the nuanced map and relishes two points of view: the swooning Danny, the journalist responsible for documenting the group’s lives, and Katie (Jodie Comer).

Universal Pictures International France

During Benny’s time, he helped the long film get back on its feet. Pour mieux raconter une histoire de fin des illusions (mise en parallel avec la Guerre du Viêtnam, qui déchire alors les États-Unis) double study on masculinity, violence, camaraderie and freedom, majeur de this virée Who seduces autant sur le plan visuel que grace à ce qu’elle raconte et aux personnes avec lesquelles elle le fait.

Sans revolutionner quoi que ce soit, Jeff Nichols montre une nouvelle fois l’Amérique au travers de son objectif. Armé du poids des mots et du choc des photos, il n’est is never trop bavard or trop peu, et parvient à éviter les pièges dans lesquels bon nombre de Films centrés sur des motards (ou des Bands, Tout Court) sont tombés . At this rate, on veut bien visitre encore sept années de plus avant son prochain Film, si celui-ci est du même level de qualité.

Proposals collected by Maximilian Pierrette in Paris on June 5, 2024.

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