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BASE Act in the Senate, LIVE: Latest news on debate and discussion of the fiscal package

Estela de Carloto performs in the Senate

Victoria Villarruel meets Guillermo Francos and Jose Rolandi

Victoria Villarruel, President of the Chamber of Senators of the Nation, She is meeting with the Home Minister in her office, Guillermo Francos And second to the Chief of Staff, jose rolandi, Conclave takes place simultaneously Plenary session of the Commission for Aadhar Law, which is held in the Upper House.

Lucio Paz pauses: “There are tobacco companies that propose precautionary measures to avoid paying the minimum tax”

,We have a law in force that establishes a minimum tax price, Today a company filed a precautionary measure to avoid paying minimum tax, Others followed and there are 9 who do not pay. Besides, they declare low prices, With these precautionary measures, they stop paying the minimum tax and those who pay the least declare 117 pesos as the selling price. The minimum tax is 800, this is not happening,” said the representative of the Salta Tobacco Chamber.

In this regard, he said: “With that modus operandi they betrayed the state. What we understand is that this minimum should be issued because they do not pay it, Today two companies pay taxes, nine that do not, and this causes great harm to Argentina and its collections.”

While representatives of the Jujuy Tobacco Chamber, Pedro Pascuttini, He said: “We have no preference for the tobacco company. We defend manufacturers,

Mauro González: “What complicates Argentina today is the decline in economic activity”

He President of the General SME Confederation, Mauro González, He responded about the problems faced by workers in companies.

,SMEs are just another employee. It is not the cost of labor and workers, for us the role of workers in the company is strategic. It doesn’t hurt us, what we suffer is economic activity, if it falls, we and the workers will all be complicit,” Gonzalez assured.

Furthermore, he explained: “What complicates Argentina today is the decline in economic activity. When we generate resources, when we have more profitability, we invest. We expand the plant, we expand the production line, we modernize and create new taxes, we do not transfer our dividends abroad, We bet on our country permanently,

He also answered the question of Carlos Linares, senator of Chubut for Union por Patria, due to potential political proximity to the region. ,There is political equality of SME members in different regions of the country, but we all protect the national industry, Developing the internal market and promoting regional economies. This is the true flag that enables us to propel SMEs forward in the project of the country as a whole and there is no exception,” he said.

Pedro Pascuttini: “We have come to end this theft party of some tobacco companies”

Pedro Pascuttini:, from the Jujuy Tobacco Chamber

RPedro Pascuttini, representative of the Jujuy Tobacco Chamber.also talked about the tobacco chapter and referred to “”tobacco god“, in answer to the question of Carlos Linares, senator of Chubut for Unión por Patria.

“We are here to end this stealth party of some tobacco companies, who not only pay tax as they want, but pay tax the way they want. The ‘Lord of Tobacco’ is Sarandi Company“The leader said.

In this regard, he clarified: “There are other small people who do not have caution and do what they want. We talk about it with production because they are the producers’ resources.,

“We want to end this, The project has got half approval, We want to make things better. The economic damage we are suffering is severe. And we are ready to fight,” he concluded.

Lucio Paz Posse: “The tobacco chapter must be approved”

He Lucio Paz Paz, representative of the Tobacco Chamber of Salta and CAME, He spoke about the inclusion of the tobacco chapter in the senators’ plenary session and asked that legislators approve it, understanding that it benefits the sector.

,We are here because the tobacco chapter was included in the deputy and it is a controversial issue“These were the opening words of the leader in the Senate.

He then reviewed: “From 2008 to date, a system was set up to discourage consumption with price increases and minimal taxes., Tax is 78% of the package price. The law applicable here is ideal. Today this is not being accomplished due to the legal maneuvers of the companies. Since this does not happen, there were legislators who raised the issue and got the chapter included.

“Argentina sells 1.8 billion packages per year. The average price is two dollars, $3.6 billion which should be increased. Last year from March to March we were not able to reach 600 million. this is for Strong tax evasion due to precautionary measures and because cigarettes are declared in AFIP in 300 pesos packages, which have a value of 1000 pesos“he explained.

In view of this, he requested: “The chapter must be approved as it came to the deputies. “Today the costs have increased and this collection is necessary because part of what is collected is from the special tobacco fund.”

,We understand that it would be positive for this situation to be resolved, Current legislation, if it will be complied with, requires the product and Argentina. Unfortunately, that is not happening and we understand this may be a temporary measure,” he said.

And he concluded: “We want to continue production and export, “85% of what is produced is exported and production is falling.”

Daniel Rosato: “SMEs cannot export today because we are not competitive”

Daniel Rosato, President of Industriales PyMEs Argentina

He President of Industriales PyMEs Argentina, Daniel RosatoIn response to the senator’s question jose maynes, He referred to the economic hardships faced by small and medium-sized companies today due to the cost of workers’ wages and inputs.

,Today we cannot export because we are not competitive., Costs in dollars continue to rise in ArgentinaAnd this is why the situation has become worse for SMEs and workers. that’s recession“, the leader assured.

And he added: “Here is something that the Argentine state has to evaluate, When we talk about energy, we have very expensive energy, Today we are paying 60% more than the international price, this also does not make us competitive.”

,We pay two or three times more expensively for delivered inputs than abroad., That’s what doesn’t make us competitive. But we can’t go any lower. Today the price of a garment is taxed at 50%,” he concluded.

exhibitions started

in resuming the debate of forms the basis of legislation and fiscal treaties in the chamber of senators of the nation, presentations are made first by leaders from different sectors. Among them are: pedro pascuttiniFrom Jujuy Tobacco Chamber, Daniel RosatoPresident of Industriales PyMEs Argentina, martin redoFrom Funder Foundation, alfredo gonzalezPresident of CAME, and mauro gonzalezPresident of the General SME Confederation.

In his presentation, Rosato targeted against Large Investment Incentive Mechanism (RIGI), understanding that this directly affects the situation of SMEs. On this topic, and with a similar story, mauro gonzalez, said: “Today, SMEs are headed towards the abyss. If we continue like this, SMEs will disappear. RIGI is the death certificate of small and medium-sized companies,

Debate on Aadhaar law resumes in Senate

Senators resume discussion at Commission’s plenary session for Aadhaar law, There is little chance that the ruling party will be able to achieve the desired objective, which is to rule and move to the venue next week.

No sector of the opposition will come to terms with its signature, because everyone is talking and criticizing La Libertad Avanza on how they are handling it. “You pass reforms and they don’t come back from the Casa Rosada. It is impossible to get an opinion today. “Patagonians do not support half things and blocks that used to seem divided have today joined the discussion,” one senator admitted to Infobae.

General Legislative Commission-Chief, to whom the Libertarian gives orders Bartolome Abdala, Budget and Treasury; And the Senate’s constitutional cases will try to hear from speakers this Thursday, so 18 people have been called, most of whom will be focused on Large Investment Incentive Mechanism (RIGI),

The chances of the debate ending are so slim that the ruling party decided not to call the Budget and Finance Commission this afternoon for a debate on the fiscal package. This leads straight into next week.

Peronism is preparing a strong mobilization in Congress for the day when the Base Law will be voted on

Various sides of the opposition coalition are marching to the Senate to reject the project and put pressure on legislators who are still having doubts about their vote.

Mayor and Kicillof’s cabinet will be present at the Congress march

There is a war going on against Peronism omnibus lawWhich is being discussed in the plenary session of the Senate committees, on which there is still no consensus and which has received half approval due to the approval in the Chamber of Deputies a few days ago.

Nicolas Posey estimates the annual inflation pattern and the government expects the dollar to reach

The Chief of Staff said in the Senate that the price increase will be about 139.7% and 2% monthly devaluation will be maintained

In which the session ended after eight hours nicholas pauseThe nation’s Chief of Staff presented his first management report. Throughout the day, the official talked about the economic projections made by the President xavier mileyProviding important information mentioning that, by December 2024, it is expected inflation Year-to-date is 139%, thus indicating a recession in the remaining months of the year.

Aadhaar law and fiscal package: Presentations in the Senate end and interlocutors ask not to rush into opinion

The debate will resume at 10.30. The government has collected suggestions for changes – others are missing – and is awaiting responses. Bid to spread a definition. Casa Rosada negotiators clash

Liberal senator and president of the General Legislative Commission of the Upper House, Bartolomé Abdala (Franco Fafasuli).

With almost zero chance of signing the opinion, the General Legislative Commission – led by prominent, libertarian Bartolome Abdala, Budget and Treasury; And the Senate’s constitutional affairs will try to finalize the hearing of speakers for the Aadhaar law and the financial package this Thursday.

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