BBC sign mocks Cristiano Ronaldo, even lashes out at John Terry: ‘Missianu Penaldo’ | Relief

The 1/8 final match of the European Cup between Portugal and Slovenia. He left behind an image that overshadowed goalkeeper Diogo Costa’s performance: Cristiano Ronaldo’s Tears At this point the penalty was not converted. A game that could have been decisive in their progression to the quarter-finals, which, fortunately for the Portuguese, they eventually achieved in a penalty shootout.

Jan Oblak interrupts Ronaldo’s chancewho had the opportunity to prove his worth in his hands with the game tied at zero in the last minute of the first half of extra timeThe Portuguese, angry and disappointed in himself, began to cry, dejected and consoled by his teammates.

A few moments later he got it right from eleven metres. marking the first of the launches and apologized to fansbut by that time Cristiano Ronaldo’s name was already being commented on on social media because of his mistake. Lots of memes from internet users and even a label from the English media BBC. in which they played with words with Cristiano’s name, calling him “Mission Penaldo”. Something that has pleased many users, but has been heavily criticized by others.

Former footballer and current assistant manager at Leicester City. John Terry is one of those who spoke out and criticised the BBC report.The former Chelsea captain posted a picture of his TV on Instagram with the caption “Bullshit”.

After an unfortunate moment, but with euphoria and joy to celebrate reaching the quarter-finals, where France awaits, The captain of the Portuguese national team has published several photos on his Instagram account, where joy and tears are mixed. There He was loved by many great footballers, such as Raul Gonzalez or Rodrigo. who wrote “LEGEND” as a sign of support.

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