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Biden palace under growing pressure to resign after debate with Trump

According to experts, the President of the United States had the worst performance by any candidate since televised debates began.

It was lacking teleprompterthat is, the screen on which speakers read the text of their speech. On Thursday night – Friday morning in Europe – the President of the United States, Joe Biden, had what, according to Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia, Worst performance by any presidential candidate Since television debates began 64 years ago.

And Sabato knows what was there, because he’s seen them all. This Friday, however, Biden is speaking loudlyAt an election rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, with full control of the situation. The odds? Today Biden has teleprompter,

But the nuances of teleprompter It’s no consolation to him Democratic Party. Biden’s role in the debate with Trump was A disaster of historic dimensions. And, in the daily life of the presidency of the most powerful country in the world, the head of state and government has no teleprompter held meetings with his advisers or foreign leaders to decide the response to Russian invasion of Ukraineattacks of Israel from Hamas or the invasion of Philippine Islands by China,

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In other words: Biden made this unmistakable impression He is not there to run the country. as per television station CNN, Who organized the meeting, 67% of the audience gave donald trump debate winnercompared to only 33% who decided the president had turned out better.

In turn, it has exposed exactly what the Democratic Party, of course, wanted to avoid at all costs: a There is a race to replace the White House candidate. This is a situation with practically no historical precedent since the current primary system began operating 52 years ago. In front of the public, it’s all a show of unity. Behind the spotlight, it’s not as if knives have been drawn. Rather, they’re already stabbing each other.

Meanwhile, Biden’s camp is insisting that nothing has happened. As one of his advisers put it, Seth SchusterFor a media specialized in political information HillIn an angry text message: “Of course he won’t resign!”

Of course, the rumor mill points in the opposite direction. Apparently, today, Friday, many White House staffers are working from home, in order to have more freedom when commenting on the drama – and, at the same time, do what’s most important to them: keep their jobs and careers – while, on a more institutional level, newspapers The Wall Street Journal Several prominent Democrats were reported to be contacting that party’s leader in the Senate, Chuck SchumerTo the Vice President, Kamala HarrisAlready Biden’s wife, Jillso that they can convince the president withdraw your candidacy,

it’s hard to be like this. Above all, because Biden relies on a very narrow circle of advisers, including Jill herself, who has been given the enormous responsibility of convincing her husband to run for a second term.

“I can work”: He asked to dismiss the rumors that he might withdraw from the presidential race. However, he also admitted this in a rally Raleigh, North Carolina: “I don’t speak as easily as before, I don’t speak as easily as before, I don’t argue as before.”

However, it doesn’t give up: “I give you my word to Biden. “I would not run for re-election if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job,” the US president said, yet reaffirmed his “intention to win” the contentious southeastern state.

But when you leave that circle formed by the campaign and confidants, the situation is very different. Spanish-born businessman and member of the White House advisory body Presidential Council for Export, Juan Greendescribed Biden’s performance in the debate in a WhatsApp interview to this newspaper as “not optimal”, and, although he made clear that “It’s serious but not serious”explained that “if the president fails to improve his approval ratings he will find himself in a very vulnerable position.

Technically, we could see something unexpected like a ticket change that would involve getting rid of Kamala Harris or even having her step aside. Those two options are unlikely at the moment, but they could happen if she is not able to make a comeback in the elections,” said Greene, who was previously the deputy undersecretary of commerce. Barack ObamaConcludes that “there are more and more voices in our party demanding a significant change in course.”


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