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CAAP 14 at UNESCO / Adele Parrilla (MEMORIST): “This project is an adventure (…)

Adele PARRILLA, Director of External Relations MEMORIST, lors de son intervention à notre XIVAnd Conference of African Ambassadors in Paris dedicated to “Cultural diplomacy, a vector of excellence in Africa-France-Golf cooperation” at UNESCO, September 25, 2024 © Capture vidéo APP

Adele Parrilla, Director of External Relations at MEMORIST, is part of the Notre XIV expert group.And Conference of African Ambassadors in Paris, dedicated to “Cultural diplomacy, a vector of excellence in Africa-France-Golf cooperation.” It represents the know-how of this French enterprise of excellence, specialized in the preservation and enhancement of heritage.


Par Desk application, after the intervention of Adele PARRILLA
to XIVAnd Conference of African Ambassadors in Paris,
at UNESCO, 25 September 2024


Forte d’une variée allant de la restoration of ancient documents in the spirit of creating immersive experiences, MEMORIST is distinguished by its unique model, the fruit of an alliance of five French companies (Arkhênum, Art Graphique & Patrimoine, TribVn Imaging, et Vectracom). ), who are competent to serve the commons.


International anchorage


MEMORIST is an international solutions tour with projects, offices and equipment represented on large continents. This global dimension is at the core of their identity, reinforced by their affiliation with Groupe Mobilitas, a French family business operating in 104 countries, including 54 African countries. This global presence provided MEMORIST with an excellent understanding of local contexts, all of which facilitated on-site intervention through logistics and regional infrastructures.


À Lalibela (Ethiopia), numbering
religious heritage


Parmi les de MEMORISTA’s cultural diplomacy projects feature in the Lalibela Revival Initiative in Ethiopia, as well as in collaboration with the Ethiopian and French governments. The project aims to create a digital resource center for the preservation and evaluation of 300 religious manuscripts dating back to the 12th century.And 18th centuryAnd century MEMORIST equipment was created by local representatives to number these documents of inestimable value.

“L’un des défis majeurs de ce project était de bâtir une relations de Confiance, Notamment pour Manipuler les Manipuler les manuscripts preserved in local churches” remarked Adele Parrilla. The formation makes participants more sensitive to the numbering of heritage, and insists on the concept of “memory games” as “digital gifts” to emphasize the importance of preserving collective memory.



South Africa: the fight for redonner
in his family home after a fire


MEMORIST a egalement played a crucial role at the University of Cape Town in Africa in South Africa following a fire that devastated the library in 2021. à un patrimoine presque perdu. Grace à Mobilitas, MEMORIST, Recruiter and Former Cape Town Residents, Experienced Recruitment Specialists, Recovery and Numbering Techniques.

These new employees, created on purpose, became involved in other projects, such as the restoration of a fresco in the Iziko Museum. This project is a real challenge to come up with creative solutions to overcome obstacles for those who frequently encounter people.


Al Ula and Louvre Abu Dhabi: a connoisseur’s experience
legacy of Saudi Arabia and the Emirate


As part of a prestigious event in Paris, MEMORIST created an augmented reality experience allowing us to discover the archaeological site of Al-Ula in Saudi Arabia. The public can also explore 3D in the Lihyan Tomb thanks to animations that can be seen today in the AFALULA exhibition hall in Paris. This project contributes to the regional heritage of Saudi Arabia in France and promotes cultural dialogue, and she is the girlfriend of Adele Parrilla, former development manager of the Arab World Institute.

Louvre Abu Dhabi, “MEMORIST” participates in the numbering of collection parties, marks archaeological sites. The 3D models created serve the purposes of conservation, scientific research and enriching the visitor experience.


View of the hall in the 14th century.And Conference of African Ambassadors in Paris. Organized by UNESCO and CAPP (Club of the African Press of Paris) on 25 September 2024, it is published under the title “Cultural diplomacy, a vector of excellence in Africa-France-Golf cooperation”. © Hady Photo – Click on photo to enlarge.


Koweït TV: salvation
audiovisual world in the Arctic


In collaboration with the Kowait Ministry of Information, MEMORIST is currently running an extensive campaign to number the audiovisual archives of Kowait Television. “This project, involving more than 120 people, includes the creation of an audiovisual preservation installation on site and the hiring of more than 120 people to improve the numbering process, look out for Adele Parrilla. It was recorded as part of an extension of similar missions undertaken for Saudi Broadcasting and the Saudi Arabian Minister of Information.”


Au-delà de la numbering,
human adventure


These projects illustrate MEMORIST’s involvement in supporting local communities over the long term. The pledge for participants is not limited to forming on site, but it facilitates the exchange of rules and the creation of pedagogical resources.

Pour Adele Parrilla, “This project represents a human adventure that goes beyond simple heritage preservation: it is about transferring know-how, strengthening local knowledge and preserving collective memory for future generations. »


Family photo panel of the 14th century.And Conference of African Ambassadors in Paris at UNESCO September 25, 2024 (from tactlessness to right): Mto me Elodie CUENCA, responsible for the attractiveness of territories, culture, heritage and sport at EXPERTISE FRANCE (AFD Group) – SE Mto me Rachel Annick OGULA AKIKO, Ambassador of Gabon, supported by UNESCO – SEM Samir ADDAHRE, Ambassador of the Royal Kingdom of Morocco, supported by UNESCO – Mto me Adel PARRILLA, Director of External Relations MEMORIST – Mr. Alfred MINO, Director of, Organizer and Moderator of Ambassadorial Conferences – Mr. Emmanuel LEBRUN-DAMIEN, Director of Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East and Africa – SAM Fahad AL-RUWAILI, Ambassador du Royaume d’Arabie Saoudite – SEM Pr Emile NGOI KASONGO, Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Discussant not pictured: M. Lazar Eloundou ASSOMO, Director of UNESCO’s World Heritage Division. © Hady Photo – Click on the photo to enlarge it.






All our articles today about CAAP 14:

> CAAP 14 at UNESCO / SEM Samir Addare, Ambassador of Morocco to UNESCO: “Culture imposes aujourd’hui as a fundamental level of diplomacy”

> CAAP14 at UNESCO / SEM Pr Emile NGOI KASONGO, Ambassador of DR Congo: “Our cultural entrepreneurship sector is undergoing a significant mutation”

> CAAP 14 / SEM Fahad Al Ruwaili, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia: “The Saudi Fund for Development is the author of 10.7 billion US dollars plus 400 projects and 46 countries in Africa”

> CAAP 14 at UNESCO / Adel Parrilla (MEMORIST): “This project is a human adventure that goes beyond simple heritage preservation”


> CAAP 14 à l’Unisco – REPEAT / Salle Comble à l’Unesco pour la XIVAnd Ambassadorial Conference on Diplomatic Culture


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XVAnd THE AFRICAN AMBASSADOR CONFERENCE IN PARIS will take place on NOVEMBER 26, 2024, in MARDI, starting at 17:00.
Higher Council of Notaries, Boulevard La Tour-Maubourg, 60, 75007 Paris, on the topic:

“Implementations and projects of railways,
Infrastructure for holidays in Africa »

> SAM Alaa YOUSEF, Ambassador of Egypt
> SE Mto me Samira CITILE, Ambassador of Morocco

> SAM Mohamed Yahya THEISS, Ambassador of Mauritania
> SE Mto me Guilhermina Prata, Ambassador of Angola

Ont Deja confirmed my participation in the panel.

Candidates, experts and companies sponsoring future participants, faites-vous connaître auprès de:

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