Categories: Entertainment

Cinema: in “Memento” director Michel Franco meets Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard

Michelle Franco is dating Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard. Memory. A complex love story touched by sincerity. The Mexican director also signed on for a huge film, not least of which won an award at the Venice Film Festival, with Peter Sarsgaard taking home the Best Actor prize.

John Lennon said: “Love is the answer. What’s the question?“. Ilsemble qu’à la fin de Memoryyou can set a constant point and find a solution.

Cela semble facile à dire, but most of all it is important, son of intellect, love, in the sense of the noble word, is the decision. Cela peut être l’amour que Sylvia éprouve envers sa Girl, celui qu’elle a appris à avoir été elle-même après des coups durs encaissés pendant de nombreuses années et, bien sûr, celui qu’elle trouve à l’age mûr. Elle and Saul are two êtres déçus par la vie, an environment of people who demand not pas-prendre de risks and leur faisant croire qu’elles ne peuvent pas être indépendantes.

Et pourtant, l’un et l’autre, ilsfinissent par trouver l’amour. J’ai toujours is interesting to people who have difficult lives. This is not veulent pas être parfaites. D’ailleurs, les ont conscience not pas pouvoir l’être, et finissent par l’accepter. But is this not a reality for increasing the number of generations?

One of the most beautiful scenes is the philature cell walking, or the character of Saul questioning in the subsequent Sylvia before going to bed in front of her. Comment l’avez-vous construite?

This is the starting point. In general terms, I begin to write the story and define the characters. South Memory, that’s different. J’étais obsédé par une scène, un événement dans lequel ces deux personnages se recontrent. La femme part et l’homme lasuit, ce qui va d’abord l’effrayer. The son of a cat, the viewer does not look at how he fashions the fabric, and he is not safe…

This idea is one of my most cinematic. In the bathroom I found everything to make me feel better. Se connaissaient-ils auparavant? Un acte passé les relie-t-il l’un à l’autre? Autant de questions that are asked to spectators, participants, and certain actions.

Sylvia’s mayor reveals a powerful secret and conveys the meaning of the film’s themes, knowing the feelings of guilt and loss.

It’s interpreted by Jessica Harper, who is amazing in Suspiria and besides Woody Allen. This is just a huge bag of shoulder straps and stages for experimentation. We need to have a great actress to portray it. I think the public is not saying that this woman is a bonne or mauvaise. In some families, gens ontfailli and not pas réussi à aimer leurs enfants comme ils le vaient or à les protéger suffisamment. Unfortunately, in the following years, in a place where people made mistakes and demanded forgiveness, the lies continued… Without a doubt, the car fair preuve d’honnêteté détruirait toutes les chooses sur lesquelles leur vie s’est contruite.

You compared him to Michael Haneke in the construction of his films. The impact you envision?

Sel is doing well because he is a master of cinema and, compared to filmmakers, autant que ce soit aux meilleurs! Michael Haneke became a favorite of many elements of Ingmar Bergman and held a tournament for film premieres, After Lucia, Chronicle OU Daniel and AnaI document a lot of rules and discussions with my chef, I quote a lot of references, but I can’t say it’s effective for Haneke. Dorenavant, I don’t use plus. I didn’t think I had actually chosen a new ending, but that’s not possible in the first place, but I thought the filmmakers should do an essay on the original. Based on experience: Memory est mon 8e Film et j’ai déjà Tourné le Suivant, j’essaie de Réer à l’Intérieur et Non à l’Extérieur… This means that without riddles, he does not accept that films are not made pas être faits qu ‘avec le cerveau.

Impossible de ne pas, quote from a chanson Whiter than white de Procol Harum, que fait Tourner en Boucle Saul et qui, à elle Seule symbolize the tours of this character.

Il s’agit de l’une de mes préférées. It is nostalgic, melancholic and from the first note is a response to the douler. We immediately hear in strong emotions. As a result, I know that the user is using additional repetitions and this has an impact on the audience. To have this effect, the fair needs to be a little different, and be prepared for its reading to evolve. Il faut également prendre en compte que les musiques n’ont pas pour voice d’apporer un sens. For example, I presented a Velvet Underground song that spoke about love, but most of all it was not pleasant, the car was beautiful, which was presented through images… Alors que Whiter than white This is the expectation of mystery in oneself, unlike that in words, which do not interest logic. I chose the best option.

“Memory”, from the opera “The Savior of love between two characters in the past”


Sylvia (Jessica Chastain) lives a simple life organized by her children, with a job and AA meetings. Purtan, his memories of Saul (Peter Sarsgaard) boulevard leurs existence, reveillant de souvenirs douloureux que chacun avait enfouis jusque-là.

Notre Avis

In Michel’s filmography, Franco has become a regular in the radical films he’s watched recently. Memory Tranche avec ce style et s’impose as a product of a rare delicacy, qui parle d’amour sans jamais tomber dans la mièvrerie. I am pleased with this feeling, and I consider the portrait of the two Kabos to be equal in strength. Pour it to Sylvia, it’s a souvenir from my past. Pour Sol, since Louis is impossible, you may discover the possibility of becoming a unique souvenir from which Louis recently arrived. Entre eux, pourtant, l’attirance, the feelings are tangible. Toute la Force du Realisateur Mexicain est de faire Jallir l’Indicible, this force which is a unit, tout en sobrieté.

Loin de se limiter à une simple histoire d’amour, Memory sait also faire planer des area d’ombre et tisse des rapports complexes entre les deux lovers et leur entourage respectively. À la fois doux et Grave, le resultat touche en plein coeur, et ce, d’autant plus qu’il est Magnifié par les subtiles of Jessica Chastain et Peter Sarsgaard. The American actor again received his name, “Volpi Coupe” in a masculine interpretation in the spirit of the previous Venetian bridge.

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