Categories: Entertainment

“Comme de nombreuses personnes, j’ai été effectée par l’alcoolisme parce que j’ai vu des gens en souffrir”

ENTERTAIN The actress has her first role Outranl’histoire, inspirée de faits réels, d’une jeune femme tenant de guérir de son alcoolisme en se rerefugant dans les Orcades, un archive à l’extreme nord de l’Ecosse.

The story of “Purre” is reminiscent of a new-age fantasy of extreme detoxification: Rhona, a wingten, an alcoholic. Au point d’en perdre sa santé, sa dignité, son travail et son compagnon. After detoxification treatment, she has no other choice to help her survive if she is herself, in Orcades, or she is great. An archipelago of small islands is located in the far north of Ecosse, among the lands and mountain heights. It is a contact with nature, the inhabitants and the rare Oiseau, a red caila charged with censer, which will tend to guérir, and also goes well with tempêtes et froid and solitude, which combines their souvenirs and their own demons. . Outran This is a film about the battle of instant destruction versus self-destruction.

Scene inspired by historical story: “British Cage” by Amy Liptrot, qui la racontait dans L’EcarteGorgeous Roman Couple 2018, not adapted from the film. American-Irish Saoirse Ronan“Reviens-moi”, “Lady Bird”, “Four Doctor’s Daughters”, “March…”). Recontre.

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Madame Figaro.- Qu’avez-vous ressenti en lisant L’Ecarte Isn’t the book adapted into a movie?
Saoirse Ronan.- I connected to you immediately. As with the people’s names, they suffer from alcoholism and seem to be affected by genes. La façon dont Amy l’évoquait m’a permis de my’y retrouver émotionnellement, sans éprouver de colère or de ressentiment: to declare a tendency à s’évanouir when it met at the place where this path passed. I was dressed in balance in the text, in the poetry and in the poetry, and I was sure that it was “ancré”: I did not avoid pretense, I was alive. And I strive to be a young woman, which is a rarity when it comes to alcoholism. These are stories, characters that are not known on the screen.

Pourquoi, selon vous?
Je crois que nous avons, however, recognizes that people of a certain age have problems with boisson, and that is normal, ils sont bien plus nombreux. But it is important to see this struggle as a young woman who needs to fight and break her mental balance or addiction, and not cause discrimination. Cela peut effecter tout le monde, quels quels que soient le genre, race, age, social origin.

Judge women plus difficulties, in the mother of alcoholism?
Well, the car is there every day barre plus haut avec elles, à tous les âges. Surtout si les onts des enfants: les sont suposées être le pilier de la Famille, purees, immuabellas and spirits. Mais quand vous apprenez que l’alcoolisme is a mental disorder, une neurological pathology that affects most people, you understand that it is not a choice. This is a relief from depression, stress and anxiety not related to women, font l’expérience autant, si ce n’est plus, que les hommes.

OutranNora Fingschidt

Have you seen any common ground with Rona?
L’environnement dans lequel nous avons été élevées. Elle a grandi dans un espace sauvage, countryside, en Écosse, et ne ressemblait pas aux autres enfants du coin: elle était un peu à la marge, et Traitée Comme Telle. I’ve seen better experiences: I was in New York with my parents in Dublin, I was famous in the Irish countryside, but started as a traveler and worker from the age of 10-11. Cela m’a ostracisée encore plus, I cannot understand these feelings “en dehors”, et de vouloir s’intégrer.

Outran telling the story of a warrior, and redemption through isolation and contact with nature… Comment éviter l’écueil du fantasme détox?
Le livre, as a film, was never a mystery about the difficulties of combat with the characters, at some point il est douloureux, de fait qu’elle risque sans Cesse de Rechuter. Rona goes through anxiety. Rentrer chez soi, c’est la façon la most difficile de guérir: on est comme sous un microscope, entouré de gens qui vous connaissent. It is impossible to detect anonymously, like a mask or bouclier. But it is best to force the point on the kiss not to change, not to identify the habits of the movez that do not cause embarrassment. Finally, Rhone does not find true strength and is not the son of a person, qu’en allant sur l’ile de Papay (l’une des iles les plus reculées, peuplée à peine d’une centaine d’habitants, NDLR), in dans un endroit qui est Lié à sonfoyer, but most of all it is not pas là où elle a grandi. C’est d’ailleurs là qu’Amy – lonely for écrire son livre.

Have you looked at certain scenes of the movie below: what is your beautiful plus-souvenir?
You represent the film equipment and the people who survive in the Orcades. Nous n’aurions pas pu faire ce Film sans Eux, Leur Accueil, Leur Esprit, Leur positivité, Leur Charme. On tour during the week, and on weekends, with other girls, at all of us at sea, it seems that this is the moment for Anna, or the most beautiful. Nous passions notre temps ensemble, et nous étions toutes à peu près au même moment de nas vies, author de la trentaine: l’age où l’on begins to make big decisions, à vouloir se poser un peu, savoir qui l’ he is everything more. When we believe that the values ​​he defends are valuable, the people who want him to be safe, ce à quoi on tient vraiment. Nous avons eu de gran talks, et qu’elles aient eu leu dans ce genre d’environnement était vraiment inspirant.

View of Orcades-dans OutranNora Fingschidt

What advice do you have for cages and families wanting to visit Orcades?
Mettez plusieurs sofas de vêtements. Prenez cloak. Pas de parapluie, il ya trop de vent. Lisez la Literature Locale. Pas juste les livres d’Amy, mais ceux of George Mackay Brown, famous explorer of the Orcades. The village allows you to reveal the folklore of the islands, which plays a huge role. And yet: refusal of rhythm plus favor.

Vous-même and parvenez-vous facilement?
Yes, I seem to have a lot of values. Either way, there are long times when I can’t afford it, and it tears me apart with anxiety. One of the benefits of au fait d’avoir began to take effect when young people said they would recharge their batteries monthly. I have nothing to do with the phone, I have nothing to do with social networks. When my partner and my part are in isolated areas of the world, our coupons are full and our savings are combined with health. J’essaie toujours de garder du temps pour cela.

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