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Coup attempt in Bolivia: Rebellious soldiers enter government headquarters

Bolivia is experiencing maximum political tension after a group of soldiers violently entered the Palacio Quemado, the government headquarters in La Paz. President Luis Arce has called on the public to “mobilize against the coup.” “We cannot allow coup attempts to return,” he said from the Casa Grande del Pueblo, a building adjacent to the Palacio Quemado. Those behind the riot are Juan José Zúñiga, the head of the army until this Tuesday, who was dismissed this Tuesday after warning that he would not allow a new government of former President Evo Morales. The coup plotters have locked up the authorities and are demanding the release of former military leaders who were detained for their participation in the overthrow of the former president in 2019.

Just after five o’clock in the afternoon in Bolivia, a few hours after the coup attempt began, Luis Arce appeared from the Casa Grande del Pueblo to try to send a message of unity and peace to the population. Supported by his ministers and Vice President David Choquehuanca, he stressed: “We are going to quell unconstitutional hunger.” “We call on the Bolivian people to unite and remain calm. “Together we will defeat any coup attempt.”

One of Arce’s first measures is to appoint a new military command. The new general commander of the army, José Wilson Sánchez, has demanded that soldiers return to the barracks: “I ask, I order, I provide that all personnel who are in the streets must return to their units.” Shortly after, Sánchez assured that “General Zúñiga has been a good commander and we ask him not to let the blood of our soldiers be shed.” In reference to the Constitution, “We will be vigilant that the legally constituted government remains in place according to the rules of the state.”

Zuniga first spoke from Plaza Murillo, in front of the Government Palace, establishing himself as the leader of the riot, saying, “An oligarchy has taken over the country, rioters who have destroyed the country.” “The armed forces want to reconstitute a democracy that is a true democracy, not the bosses who have already been in power for 30 and 40 years. We are going to release all political prisoners. From (former President Jeanine) Anez, the lieutenant colonels, the captains who are imprisoned. The armed forces do not lack the balls to ensure a future for our children,” the soldier said before boarding an armored car.

The tension began to be felt when the rebel army erected barricades to prevent people from reaching Plaza Murillo in response to the president’s call. At the same time, they have fired gas at the population protesting against them. Moments before some soldiers entered the Palacio Quemado, General Juan José Zúñiga announced to the press that “the gathering of all military units” wanted to express their annoyance “at the situation of the country.” He also said that he would continue to obey President Luis Arce “for the time being”, but that he would take steps to “change the government cabinet.”

The military police fired gas against the population in Plaza Murillo, where the government headquarters are located.Juan Carita(AP)

In a video uploaded to social networks, Minister of the Presidency Marianela Prada also condemned the “coup attempt” but limited it to “a faction of the military”. “I am in the Big House of the People. Plaza Murillo has been taken over by a faction of the military, which has mobilized and taken people out of the plaza and occupied the four corners,” she said.

The Minister of Public Works, Edgar Montano, explained that this is a protest of the army command and that the government is going to defend democracy. For his part, Deputy Minister Jorge Silva said that the entire Arce cabinet is located in the Casa Grande del Pueblo. “We call for the defense of democracy.”

In Murillo Square the army fired tear gas and pellets against a group of civilians who were shouting: “I fight, you are not alone.” There are many calls for the public to come out and reject the ongoing military coup. The Bolivian Workers Central (COB), the country’s largest union, called on the people to “stand up against those who plotted the coup and the deadly event they carried out.” An indefinite general strike was declared and all unions were called on to travel to La Paz to defend the government. “We call on the armed forces to consider and respect democracy and the rule of law. This is not for one person, but for everyone,” said Juan Carlos Guarachi, secretary of the COB.

Remy Ferreira, former defense minister in the Evo Morales government, has tried to bring some peace of mind. He denied that it was a coup, because, he said, “the military units are calm.” “I don’t think it’s a coup. It’s an arrogant act by Zuniga. It’s a threat to democracy, but it’s a futureless movement and will not succeed. It should be taken as an example.”

The riot united the opposition, even the most radical groups, in support of the government. Former Santa Cruz governor Luis Fernando Camacho gave his “support for institutions and democracy”. “The mandate of the popular vote must be respected, any action against it is absolutely illegal and unconstitutional”, he wrote on social networks. Meanwhile, former president Carlos Mesa warned that “the mandate of the current government must expire on November 8, 2025. Any such attempt is nothing but a coup.” “The civil community joins forces with the militant defense of democracy”

Zuniga lost his position on Tuesday after a series of threats against Morales. “He can no longer be president of this country. If necessary,” he said, “I will not allow you to trample on the constitution, to disobey the mandate of the people.” In a high voice, he added that the armed forces are the “armed arm of the people, the armed arm of the country.”

The crisis has been fueled by long-standing attacks between the former president and current president Luis Arce, who were once allies and are now enemies. Arce explained in speeches before various state security forces, such as the Presidential Escort Regiment and the Bolivian Police, that a “soft coup” is underway to shorten his mandate, for which he has indirectly blamed Morales. “Behind the apparently legitimate demands, there is in fact a plan to shorten terms, which hides a greater danger: the destruction of the Plurinational State, the socioeconomic model of our productive community and the dreams of Bolivian men and women,” said the president, former Economy Minister during the Morales government.

Meanwhile, the country is struggling with an economic crisis, with shortages of the dollar and fuel. There are also declarations of social protests that the government considers led by “avismo”, which the sectors involved deny. The Legislative Assembly, which today is majority opposition, has been paralyzed by the intervention of the judicial branch and the suspension of its sessions by its president, David Choquehuanca, who is also vice president.

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