Dollar Today, Blue Dollar Today: How Much Is It Trading This Wednesday, July 3

  • Wholesale dollar


  • Euro


According to the records of the city. National BankThe US currency is trading at $893.50 for purchase and $933.50 for sale.

Price of the official dollar
Price of the official dollarNATION

From 10, Central Bank (BCRA)which controls the price of official dollar (both retail and wholesale), distributes the value of the currency. In this case, the reference value Dollar blue This is known a little later. From 11 to 11:30, financial institutions and caves in the city of Buenos Aires display quotes parallel dollar.

Blue Dollar Hours
Blue Dollar Hours

Operation dollar considered with liquid Comprises buying and selling stocks or debt securities in pesos which are listed in the country and on other international markets. The same as he European Parliament dollar (also called dollar bag), they are purchased in pesos but then added to an account abroad and They are sold in exchange for dollars.

V Argentinathere are several options to achieve this US currency directly and indirectly through banks, bag and platforms exchange.

In this note NATION You can check out the various current alternatives for dollarizeconsidering options price.

Alternatives to purchasing dollars in the country
Alternatives to purchasing dollars in the countryFreePeak

Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at $60,575.78 today. cryptocurrency Today it is more important than ever and is increasingly accepted worldwide for purchasing products and services.

Parallel currency presented increase by 25 pesos this Tuesday and reached new historical nominal record. In this sense, Dollar blue The closing price was $1410 for the buy and $1430 for the sell.

On Friday evening, the economic group announced that it would transfer the Central Bank’s debt (BCRA) to the Treasury. This strategy is aimed at eliminating the monetary problem for paying interest on the remunerated obligations of the monetary entity (formerly LelikNow Passes). However, market analysts believe that the measure could also mean the restoration of a key tool to curb the dollar: interest rates. The last time the Central Bank touched on the monetary policy rate was on May 14. when he cut it by ten percentage points, from 50% to 40% of the annual nominal (TNA). This meant a reduction in the cost of financing for the state, but also a reduction in deposits from depositors, since fixed terms and common investment funds money market They began to bring 2.5% monthly. Read the full article in LA NACION.

Economist Juan Carlos de Pablo responded to the press conference of the Minister of Economy last Friday, Louis Caputowhere the second stage of the government’s plan was presented, and warned in an interview with the publication LN+ What “The nature of the problem cannot be solved by a sudden devaluation” He also stressed that economic policy “is a priority.”

About Caputo's plan. Juan Carlos de Pablo warned that "The problem cannot be solved by a sudden devaluation"pi-tools/js/ln-accordion-min.js" postpone></script>“/></picture></div>
<p class=He retail dollarwhich is controlled Central Bank (BCRA)closed Tuesday at $896.04 for the buy and $953.98 for the sell.

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