Follow the new Nintendo Direct live for all the news about Nintendo Switch games in 2024.

The presentation will last approximately 40 minutes.

The video game conference season, which takes place every June, can’t end without a proper NintendoDirect from Nintendo. That moment will finally arrive this afternoon as the Big N announced that she will be broadcasting her own event, which will allow us to find out what tricks she has up her sleeve in the coming months.

Presentation starts at 16:00 in Spain. (8:00 am in CDMX) and basically it should be very interesting and full of news due to its length as it is about 40 minutes long so there is enough time for all the projects being revealed. will be revealed. They will appear in the Nintendo Switch catalog before the end of 2024.

The truth is that the only game that will be confirmed for release soon is Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD, but beyond that It is not yet known which games will go on sale. in the second half of this year. There’s a lot of talk that Hollow Knight: Silksong could be one of them, although another rumor that’s gaining traction is a remaster of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

On the other hand, it is safe to say that no details regarding Nintendo’s next console will be revealed. We’ll have to wait until later to find out about the successor to the Nintendo Switch, but given that it’s set to release next year, hopefully there won’t be any brand new video game announced this year from the company’s stellar franchises. noon. Anyway, We invite you to join us live to discover all the surprises together.

In VidaExtra | The most anticipated games for Nintendo Switch in 2024

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