Francos said Sergio Massa “works to create instability in the government”

chief of staff, Guillermo Francossaid the former economy minister Sergio Massa ,Working to create instability in the governmentwith the intention of achieving political advantage. Furthermore, he pointed out that the executive expects that federico sturzenegger He may join the cabinet on Friday and the possibility of a proposal to expand the number has not been ruled out Supreme Court,

interviewed by Luis Novaresioin cycle +Interview Of L.N+, Francos criticized the attitude of Sergio Massa, former presidential candidate of the Union por la Patria.He is maintaining the helicopter“, he said and inferred that the opposition needs the government to make mistakes.”The blades of the Helicopter Club do not stop, they work for it and there is an economic force behind it that works in the markets,

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,I think there are perspectives that make one think that the former candidate is working to create instability in the government because it suits him politically.”, he assessed in a heady week that began with a rise in the blue dollar, increased country risks and a decline in Argentine bonds and stocks.

In that sense, he argued that both inflation and the current dollar value are, in part, a product of the measures that Massa implemented during his tenure at the Treasury during the administration of Alberto Fernández: “I would ask Massa to be aware of reality, that what Argentina is experiencing is the consequence of his government and the many measures it has taken.. “He should put away his equipment and wait for another opportunity.”

Specifically, with regard to the rise of the blue dollar, Francos returned to the idea of ​​“economic power operating in the markets.” “It doesn’t take much for the market to signal something negative,” he said.For me, I don’t think these destabilizations were appropriate at the time, but they are easier to implement when political interests are at stake“, They said.

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“Argentina has the advantage that we have an economist as president who monitors all public accounts and markets every minute and analyzes how the country’s economy is developing because this is a fundamental concern. As the president said, There is no logic to generate exchange rate dynamics because the monetary base is fixed. So, if we don’t spend more than we earn, we’ve had a six-month fiscal surplus and nothing is issued except dollars to buy, What could cause the dollar or inflation to rise?“, logic.

On the other hand, he referred to the speculation surrounding the appointment of Federico Sturzenegger, so far the presidential adviser, as head of a new ministry. Francos indicated that the portfolio that the economist will command has already been defined and that the issue should be resolved this week, but a prior official step has yet to be taken.

,I hope he can take oath on Friday. Federico and the President have agreed on this“, he said and clarified: “To do this, a DNU would have to emerge, create a ministry and give it missions that we already have very clear. It must be written, DNU should be issued and in that case, I will take oath on Friday,

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In another part of the interview, Novarasio asked him about rumors that have surfaced in recent days about the possibility that the government would withdraw García-Mansilla’s nomination for the Supreme Court and nominate a woman instead.There are no plans to change Mansilla’s roster to include a woman.”The Chief of Staff said.

,I believe there is a possibility of expanding the number of ministers of the court”, he admitted. “Sometimes it was five, seven or nine. It is important to include women in the Court. There are many values ​​in justice, the profession and academia, women have a great potential to integrate the Court. If the possibility exists, it is an issue that the president will have to evaluate. There have been talks, but no decisions have been made. But if Miley takes it, it would not hurt me,” he stressed.

Later, Franco elaborated on the changes the government wants for the next elections. The main amendment would be the abolition of primary open, Synchronous And Mandatory (STEP)“We are going to create a commission to work with election management actors, the Interior Ministry and legislators on this issue, which will analyze the three or four priority reforms we want to implement,” he said.These include the implementation of single ballot, abolition of PASO and clean records,

He said these measures would “improve the quality of the electoral offer” and questioned the need for the existence of nearly 600 political parties in the country.What role do so many people play? How many people, he asked, are seriously playing the electoral process and how many are just hanging around to collect ballots or votes?

Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, interviewed by Luis Novaresio in +Interview by LN+

In that sense, he argued that one of the problems is the amount of money that should be distributed in each election.”This is the cost of issuing the ticketWhich is then not printed and charged, and for justice its cost means. “It’s a huge cost to maintain a registry of 600 matches.”,

Francos stressed that “we must review to see how we can seriously reach, organise and rationalise a compromise between the dominant political parties, without the intention of curtailing the political rights of anyone, but that it is necessary to re-register and justify political affiliations“He also did not agree with the idea of ​​giving children the right to vote at the age of 14.


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