Gasoline sales begin at MLC in Cuba

CubitaNOW Editorial ~ Monday 1 January 2024

According to the Cuban News Agency (ACN) after the last meeting of the Council, the Cuban government announced the implementation of the sale of fuel in freely convertible currency (MLC) in a group of gas stations, with the intention of capturing fresh foreign currency. of. Of ministers. In 2023.

Economy and Planning Minister Alejandro Gil Fernandez said fuel prices will be updated, although the exact rates have not yet been disclosed.

The increase in fuel prices is part of measures announced by the Cuban government through the end of 2023, leading to long lines at gas stations.

Official journalist Lazaro Manuel Alonso reported on Facebook about the increasing resale of fuel: “Offers to sell gasoline and diesel have appeared on social networks, especially in Facebook and WhatsApp groups. Coleros are back, more than 1,000. Selling shifts for pesos”.

The reporter showed screenshots of advertisements on social media that offered fuel at high prices, including home delivery and exorbitant rates per litre.

From October 31, they ended cash sales at gas stations.

Havana’s civic portal assured at that time that “chip cards implemented in state and non-state territories, magnetic stripe cards (national and international), disposable prepaid cards with six denominations (25, 75, 125, 250, 500 went.” and 1,250 pesos in national currency), electronic PIN through TransferMovil, and rechargeable chip card.

Simex SA is the company in charge of issuing disposable prepaid cards and from there he assured that “they will be for sale in its commercial network and also through the accredited telecommunications agents of the Cuban Telecommunications Company SA (Atexa).”

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