Categories: Entertainment

Gilles Lellouche balances “Ils ne jouent pas du tout…”

Pleasure of the day here’s a sign of love Ouch Cannes Film Festival. Essentially it’s like this Judy May 23, 2024 which is represented by Gilles Lellouche these are new films comme implementer. Baptized feature film L’amour ouf, with the heroes Adele Exarchopoulos and Francois Civil.

The story behind this movie?

Jackie and Clotaire argue between the shores of the Lyceum and the port docks. Elle Etudie, il Traine. Et puis leurs destins se croisent et c’est l’amour fou. La vie s’efforcera de les separ mais rien n’y fait, ces deux-là sont comme les two ventricles du même cœur.

“She treats François as if he were c’était un Dieu”

Ahead of the Cannes Festival marches, Gilles Lellouche and these two comedians were invited Cà vousC.E. Mercredi May 22, 2024. A reason to launch a new film. Ainsi, he enjoys the comment that is in my idea reunite Adele Exarchopoulos and Francois Civil on the screen.

Pour a joke, on the North Shore and wait for the scene of Adele and Karim Leklou. She was in enceinte, she was a vacoucher and a suspension in the scene I saw when she was clear on the train directed by Karim Leklou live.

et de poursuivre:

She was waiting for the complete completion of what she valued and was married to Karim Leclou, she treated François as if he were c’était un Dieu quoi.

“C’est pas vrai”, alors lâché la comédienne, un brin embarrassée. More about the implementer, perseverance and signing:

Je les respects tous les deux, on était en train de jouer et je me disais: “Mais ils ne jouent pas du tout la scène.” This is the meeting place for “L’amour ouf”.

Two actors face rumors

De quoi relancer les rumeurs, author of a story about two comedies. Magazine Voice révélait il quelques semaines qu’Adele Exarchopoulos et François Civil seraient paired with. They prefer not to comment on rumors that the two principles are interested. What are clothes? Secret… Ce qui est sûr, en revanche, c’est que leur colicité n’a échappé à personne.

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