Categories: Technology

Google confirms massive leak revealing new details of its search algorithm

Google confirms massive leak revealing new details of its search algorithm

The Google search engine is considered the door to Internet, one of the most important systems in the digital world. Now alone filtration massive dataacknowledged by the company itself may reveal hitherto unknown details about its most closely guarded secret: algorithm which decides how websites are ranked.

After two days of corporate silence, the tech giant finally confirmed this Thursday that robbery up to 2,500 of its internal documents are real. They indicate what data Google collects and what can be used for ranking in search results. search.

“We caution against making incorrect search assumptions based on out-of-context, out-of-date or incomplete information,” Davis Thompson, a Google spokesman, said in a statement to US trade media. Edge.

The leaked material was discovered earlier this week by search engine optimization experts (SEO) Rand Fishkin and Mike King suggest that Google “collects and potentially uses data that the company claims does not contribute to rankings” Web sites in Google Search, such as clicks, Chrome user data, etc.” as stated in the portal.

Follow the mystery

Despite this explosive illegal leak, it’s still unclear what data Google actually uses to rank content that appears in the results of its popular search engine, or how different items rank in search. The secret of the company, headed by Sundar Pichai, is still carefully guarded.

Nevertheless, Edge indicates that the leak could cause a stir among SEO and marketing experts, whose job is to try to figure out how Google’s algorithm works and adapt to its changes in order to position their web pages as best as possible. The vital importance that search engines have for all types of businesses, both large and small, means that interest in them is growing, including from regulatorsto find out how Google sets this order and whether such practices can lead to abuse of power.

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