He listened to Google’s AI, used Nutella to cool his gaming PC, and the most surprising result was a PC

The experiment concluded that, under certain circumstances, eating Nutella is not so “wrong” (many quotes)

It is clear that one of the main problems of artificial intelligence is hallucination. Essentially, this condition refers to when the AI ​​offers as true information that is completely false. In fact, a few days ago we had an example thanks to bad advice from Gemini, Google’s artificial intelligence which recommended users to use glue on pizza so that the cheese does not fall off.

However, according to colleagues from the German portal GameStar V recent publication, this is not unique to Google. As they note in the mentioned news, both ChatGPT (the most popular chatbot in the world) and Gemini give the most advice. useless when, for example, you ask about Alternatives to CPU Thermal Paste. And for this reason, among his many proposals we find elements such as toothpasteVaseline, cheese or Nutellapopular nut butter.

What happens if you use Nutella to cool your gaming PC?

To check how truthful the information offered by artificial intelligence assistants is, GameStar participants decided to put their advice into practice and used Nutella to cool the processor. So, they applied a little of this element to a Bequiet brand air vent that works with Intel Core i9 13900K, one of the most demanding processors on the market. And, to everyone’s surprise, the results were not as “bad” as many predicted.

Resting temperature 8 degrees higher with Nutella than with thermal paste. However, as soon as he comes into action, everything changes. playing Senua Saga: Hellblade 2the temperature difference reaches 30°С. However, the author of the experiment assures that the PC does not freeze and the processor does not turn off – two aspects that surprise him most. Despite this, he warns of the dangers of using Nutella with electronic components, as neither fat nor sugar are good electrical conductors.

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Main image: Eilive Aseron (Unsplash)

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