When we reach the age of 50, we may suffer from various diseases. This happens because the body begins to gradually weaken and be subject to various discomforts. One of the most recurring is osteoporosisThis occurs when new bone tissue is not formed as quickly as old bone tissue is lost. However, some of them can be developed. habits
from prevention.It is important to consider the following recommendations in our daily life, because when we suffer from osteoporosiswe lose too much bone mass and our bones become weaker, making us prone to all sorts of injuries.
Research has shown that strength training is one of the best exercises for strengthening bones and counteracting risk factors. osteoporosis. It is even believed that it may promote bone development and increase bone mineral density by 1-3%. Therefore, experts recommend training three days a week and not in a row (for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday).
Experts say a healthy weight will be one of the keys to preventing this disease. Being underweight is associated with greater bone loss and an increased risk of fractures. To be more specific, people with a BMI of 20 have twice the risk of fractures than people with a BMI of 25, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation.
To strengthen bones, prevent loss of bone density and thus avoid osteoporosisIt is recommended to practice a Mediterranean diet, where priority is given to foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, as well as a variety of proteins, vegetables and/or animal products. Fish, which is a staple of the Mediterranean diet, increases bone density and vitamin D levels. Additionally, olive oil also helps strengthen and protect bones.
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