History of an inattentive coup

Monday 01 January 2024 at 17:30 – even
Sarah Mannaa

Monica Bellucci and Tim Burton as a couple: the story of an unattended foudre

©Backgrid UK/Bestimage

Voilà plusieurs mois maintenant que Monica Bellucci and Tim Burton – implementer notamment de Charlie and the chocolate girl Diffuse ce soir sur TF1 – fillent le parfait amour. Un amour si for que l’actrice et le realisateur n’ont pas mis beaucoup de temps à l’officialiser!

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Meeting of two artists. In 2024, it is planned to fly out to screen a Tim Burton film. Beetlejuice 2. The film in the retro version of Monica Bellucci… a new company of the American distributor (Charlie and the chocolate girl, Edward aux mains d’argent, Sleepy Hollow…).

An inconsiderate coup between Monica Bellucci and Tim Burton

In 2006, at the opening of all bonds of the Cannes Film Festival, Monica Bellucci and Tim Burton met at the premiere… in complete favor. The car of this era, the Italian actress, hovers in the greatest media love story with Vincent Cassel, as well as the American implementer, who is also the man in the bras of the comedienne Helena Bonham Carter. 16 years later, in 2022, during the Lyon Lumière Festival, Monica Bellucci and Tim Burton are celibate, and the evidence is clear.

Monica Bellucci: “I love Tim and I respect Tim Burton”

It is in August 2023 that Monica Bellucci dismantles her legendary reserve. An ordinary girl, the Italian actress chooses to confirm the rumors, the author of the son of the couple with Tim Burton. Plus an encore: on the pages of Madame Figaro magazine, Monica Bellucci inflames the American realist: “The films made are very great (…) I found Tim, the spirit of fun. I found the performance, that is, the world of reve. This is me merveille.” In the magazine columns ElleMonica Bellucci continues to unconditionally declare her flame for Tim Burton: “I, I love Tim. And I respect Tim Burton. Je suis très heureuse d’avoir rencontré l’homme, tout d’abord. C’est une de ces rencontres qui, which rarely comes to life.” Un amour puissant que l’actrice et le réalisateur ont fini par official publication in October 2023, at the International Film Festival of Rome. And in their accomplices, intertwined networks and in relation to envoûtés, one chose one thing for sure: Monica Bellucci and Tim Burton ont de beaux jours devant eux!

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