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How diabetes affects you emotionally

diabetes It is a chronic and silent disease that, although little is known about it, can seriously affect emotional level. In fact, it has been proven that there is a correlation between mental health and this condition.

In fact, research shows that people with diabetes 2 times more likely to suffer from depression than the population as a whole.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to emotional health before diagnosing the disease, as well as during treatment, since the manifestations anxiety, stress and depression.

In this article we will tell you how diabetes impact on emotions and what is care What do professionals offer to improve the quality of life of diabetics?

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Andrea Reyes

How diabetes affects you emotionally

diabetes affects a person’s entire life, including emotional level. In general, a person suffering from diabetes experiences certain emotional reactions both at the stage of diagnosing the disease and when adapting to treatment.

Below we will explain what is most common emotional problems which appear at both stages:

#Diagnosis of the disease

In this case, it is quite normal that a person experiences crisis situationa product of confusion, denial and psychological impact allows you to make a diagnosis of a disease such as diabetes, which requires long-term treatment and lifestyle changes to avoid severe complications.

At this stage, feelings such as sadness, grief or anxiety. Moreover, denial of illness can cause a certain rebellion against reality, causing emotions such as rage or anger.

On the other hand, a priori they appear feeling of hopelessness and despair regarding the future and everything you need to learn and do to take care of yourself. However, as the new reality becomes incorporated into daily life, these emotions dissipate.

#Adaptation to treatment

This other phase may lead to stressful situations which influence level control Blood glucosea product of the release of stress hormones.

Both the diagnosis and treatment requirements usually raise many questions. anxiety in a person with diabetes: a feeling that occurs in situations that are perceived as threatening, in this case regarding an alarming future.

Overall, both stressful and anxious situation causes the body to require more energy and causes blood levels to drop. insulin and increase adrenalinreleasing more glucose into the blood.

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Andrea Reyes

It should be noted that he said biological reaction This is a normal reaction of our body, regardless of whether we have diabetes or not. What happens is that in people without diabetes, the body is responsible for normalizing these blood pressure values. blood sugar levelbut in diabetics, proper glucose metabolism is not possible.

Therefore, it is important that a person with diabetes learn to control these changes in your behavior with the help of a doctor diabetologistto successfully achieve adaptation to treatment.

Stress and diabetes

What emotions does diabetes cause?

In general terms, diabetes can cause certain psychological disorders including:

  • Phobias specific ones, such as fear of punctures.
  • Disorder generalized anxiety.
  • Disorder feeding.

Given the possibility of any of these events, it is important that those closest to you and your healthcare professional are alert to what is happening. changes in behavior that a person with diabetes may experience after being diagnosed or during treatment for the disease.

The reality is that there is a direct correlation between mental health problems and diabetes: They feed each other and further harm the underlying disease. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive to various manifestations, since, fortunately, improvement in one affects the other.


If you have a family member or friend with diabetes, Pay attention to your emotional changes because depression This is one of the main manifestations that appears in a person with diabetes.

In this regard, the study shows that the level of relatedness is very high because 1 One in three people with diabetes mellitus (DM) suffers from depression. Moreover, the same studies show that diabetics are twice as likely to develop a depressive disorder as the general population.

It is believed that depression in people with diabetes may be associated with adaptation of the disease, its chronic course, possible complications, or the condition itself. Nevertheless, correct treatment Whether it’s therapy, medication, or both, it’s usually effective.

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Andrea Reyes

#Stress and anxiety

emotions like stress and anxiety They are also associated with diabetes. For example, severe stress can cause an increase in blood glucose levels caused by stress hormones which cause an imbalance in blood sugar levels, causing them to rise and fall unpredictably.

In other words, stress Over the long term, this can worsen the condition of diabetes. From my side, anxiety It is also very common in people with diabetes due to the anxiety or fear they experience.

In short, research shows that there is a relationship between high levels of anxiety, depression and vulnerability to stress in people with type 2 diabetesduring recognition of the diagnosis and fatalistic presentation of the disease.

The Big Difference Between Stress and Anxiety


How to help a diabetic with depression

As we have explained, early diagnosis and treatment of depression achieves positive results in patients with diabetes mellitus. Medications are usually combined with therapy, although lifestyle changes can also relieve symptoms and improve overall well-being.

Below we will describe in detail what it is care. Pay attention.

1. Medicines

Although there is a significant range antidepressants, drugs, selective reuptake inhibitors serotonin (SSRIs) and insulin reuptake inhibitors. serotonin-norepinephrine (SNRIs) are most recommended for relieving symptoms of depression or anxiety.

These medications should only be taken with medical prescription and monitoring the specialist treating the patient. After all, they may cause weight gain, metabolic changes or other side effects more serious, so it is important that a doctor recommends its use.

2. Psychotherapy

psychotherapy or talk therapy showed good results in controlling symptoms depression. Some psychotherapy options These are: cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy. The doctor will recommend the option that best suits the patient’s needs.

3. Lifestyle changes

As expected, everything physical activity This is always beneficial for overall health and, in this case, for relieving symptoms of depression since exercise stimulates chemicals such as serotonin And endorphins in the brain. In other words, they make you feel better.

It is believed that physical exercise It stimulates the development of new brain cells in the same way that antidepressants do.

On the other hand, training speeds up metabolism which has a beneficial effect on control over blood sugar levelincreasing energy and resistance.

Other Lifestyle changes suggested:

  • Schedule dream ordinary.
  • Control over stressors.
  • Support family and friends.

Healthy diet


What antidepressants can a diabetic take?

As we already mentioned, there is a wide range antidepressants for the treatment of depression in patients with diabetes. It is important to consider tolerance and side effects that may occur when taking these drugs.

Pay attention to the features of different antidepressants To select the correct treatment:

1. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

Although this is one of the first drugs to be used, it is currently few people used it because of the scale of its negative consequences.

2. Tricyclics

They are recommended incl.long-term treatment with antidepressantsHowever, it is important for people with diabetes to have their doctor ensure that cardiovascular function be normal.

3. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

This is a group from most commonly used antidepressants World. It has few side effects and has been demonstrated to be safe when taken orally.

4. “Atypical” antidepressants

This type of medicine is one of the newest and shows acceptable tolerance and few side effects. In addition, it has a high level of safety for diabetics.

This information is in no way a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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