How Many Eggs a Week Does the WHO Recommend Eating (There Are More Than You Thought)

A diet Balanced and healthy is always an ally of good health. In this sense eggs are one of food which some demonize due to its high content cholesterol (373 mg), while others value it for its ability to develop muscle massthanks to its wealth in squirrels (13g).

The truth is that it is food from nature with high nutritional value and take advantage of all its benefits. advantagesNow WHO recommends exact amount eggs What to eat in a week (is there more than you thought? Find out.

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The Main Benefits of Eating Eggs

eggs It is a highly nutritious food that provides a variety of Benefit for healthIts consumption has a significant satiating capacity (provides vitality) and ensures the correct balance between saturated and unsaturated fats.

Also, eat eggs collaborates in development muscle mass and, due to its high protein value, it is involved in height children. In the same way, this food naturally helps the body from possible degenerative processes due to the concentration of vitamins and microelements.

What is the exact number of eggs you can eat per day without harming your health?

How many eggs per week does WHO recommend eating?

eggs give folic acid pregnant women and prevent heart diseases. Besides, this food helps better mood and remains active Memory.

In particular, Egg whitesince it contains virtually no fat, it is an important ingredient in diets for lose weight.

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How many eggs per week does WHO recommend eating?

World Health Organization (WHO) is always aware of the importance of improving the quality of life of people in all its aspects. In this sense, it constantly puts forward new postulates about the benefits or harms foodFor example.

Recently, however, WHO was talking about exact number of eggs What You Should Eat Each Week to Reap the Benefits advantages to your health. Take note of those who know the most and take into account their valuable recommendations:

  • For people in good health and without the problems that prevent this, WHO recommends eating around 7 eggs a week (one per day).
  • For people with high cholesterol than usual, advises to consume 3 to 4 eggs per week.

Without a doubt, these recommendations surprisingly, because of course it’s more eggs than you believed.

In this regard, the doctor Isabel Belausteguigraduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Autonomous University of Madrid, tried to go beyond the framework WHO recommendations.

“Healthy adults can eat 3 or 4 eggs a day no problem, especially. Women are advised to eat a little less: 1 or 2 per day. It should also be avoided in cystic diseases such as ovarian or breast disease.” Dr. Belaustegui added.

This information in no way replaces a diagnosis or doctor’s prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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