How quotes closed this Wednesday, January 3

In the second round of the year, financial dollars seemed to wake up and trade higher, surpassing $1,000 to the dollar and even becoming more expensive than the free dollar.

Cash liquidity increased by the close of the day yesterday to close at $997.45, up by 24 pesos. Today, it rose again by 4.6% to $1,042.58, an increase of 45 pesos.

For its part, the MEP dollar, which closed at $991.30 yesterday, is moving in the same line as the CCL today and is also up 4%. will be placed in the $1031.40 range.

Thus, after a few days, both again surpass the free dollar, which remained constant at $1,005 per bill, and the gap again exceeds 25%.

For its part, the Central Bank continues to accumulate reserves. In the last 14 rounds since the devaluation, the monetary authorities have chained all the positive days and accumulated over $3 billion. In this case, it ended the day with purchases amounting to $142 million, and gross reserves closed at $23,677 million.

The official dollar at Banco Nación was updated to $831.00, keeping the gap at 18%. The average bank value of US currency is $852,691. For its part, the wholesale dollar remains at $811.10 before the Central Bank adjustment.

With these values, Dollar Cards and Savings closed this Wednesday at $1,329.60. It is worth recalling that yesterday the procurement quota was extended, but with the preservation of the restrictions that existed before the change of government. It costs $323 more than what you can buy for free.

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