how to set up an app to make yourself invisible to contacts

There is no incognito mode in WhatsApp, but by making a few changes to your settings, you can maximize your privacy.

Let us explain it to you what to set up to make something similar to incognito mode in WhatsApp to ensure maximum privacy of your contacts. Because WhatsApp does not have an incognito mode, but there are some settings with which you can emulate it.

Because although WhatsApp is the most used messaging app, not everyone wants to reveal themselves to those who have them in their contacts. So with these options, you can do things like hide when you are browsing the app, hide your profile picture, and other interesting settings.

Create your own incognito mode in WhatsApp

We will explain to you what you need to change in the settings to create your own incognito mode. Let us tell you quickly and generallymentioning the settings you need to use and how to configure them. We’ll also tell you how to get to them.

The first thing you need to do is go into WhatsApp settings. Once you are inside, on the main screen you will need to Click on the section Confidentialitywhere you can find hiding options.

Here, to hide yourself as much as possible in WhatsApp, you will have to make changes to the options in the section Who can see my personal information. There are three options you can configure so that no one or only those you added to your contacts see the following options:

  • Last time and time online: With this setting, you can decide who can see your last connection time on WhatsApp, as well as the time you are browsing the app and are Online.
  • Profile picture: You can decide who can see your WhatsApp profile photo.
  • Information and status: You can hide your profile status, the phrase you can put under your name and where you can say that you are at home, at work or that you cannot talk.
  • Read the receipt: It’s a double blue check mark and you can turn it off so no one can see when you’ve read their messages.

In these variants If you select “Nobody”, this option will be hidden from ALL people. who use WhatsApp. So you can be almost invisible. You can also make it so that only people you have added to your contacts or people from your contacts can see it, except for some specific ones.

If you turn off the double blue tick in WhatsApp, no one will know when you read their messages, but You also won’t know when other people are reading you.. However, this is important if you want to remain in invisible mode and not let others see or guess what you are doing.

There are also three additional options which can be interesting to set up. In this case, the goal is no longer to hide you, but to improve your privacy when you communicate with other users. These are:

  • Default duration: You can make messages temporary by default when starting a new chat and self-destruct after a set time. You can make this change individually in each chat, but it is better if you make it by default so that the person does not believe that you have activated temporary because you do not trust them.
  • Groups: Here you can decide who can add you to groups. The best thing is that only people you have in your contacts can do this, so that strangers cannot add you to groups without your permission.
  • Calls: If someone is bothering you with calls and you don’t know who it is, you can mute those who come from numbers you don’t know and that are not in your contacts.
  • Advanced settings: You also have a section Advanced in the privacy settings, where you can protect your IP address from being shown in calls, and also prevent previews of links shared with you from loading.

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