Categories: Health

Human papillomavirus increases the risk of cardiovascular death in women fourfold

Until now, infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), the most common sexually transmitted disease, has been feared because it can cause cervical cancer in women, in addition to other tumors such as the throat. Actually, Vaccination against HPV in children and adolescents The ultimate goal is to avoid these serious consequences. It’s true that there are up to 200 different strains of HPV, and only a few of them are capable of causing cancer, but the risk is there. Now, it seems that this is not the only danger this virus poses. Now a study published in the European Heart Journal shows that women infected with high-risk strains of the human papillomavirus may be almost four times more likely to die from heart problems. It should be remembered that cardiovascular diseases It is the leading cause of death among women.

Papillomavirus and cardiovascular diseases

Previous studies have already indicated that HPV not only causes 99.7% of cervical cancer cases, but may also be involved in the accumulation of the virus. plaques in the arteries. Atheromatous plaques narrow arteries, impeding circulation, and can eventually clog them and cause a heart attack or stroke. This study, conducted by researchers at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, goes further and confirms for the first time the link between HPV infection with high-risk strains and cardiovascular diseases among women.

To analyze whether the virus is a potential risk factor for heart problems, researchers conducted a study. health checks up to 163,250 Korean women without cardiovascular disease for more than 8 years. The average age of women at the beginning of the study was 40 years inspections were carried out every one or two years.

Researchers found that women with a high risk of HPV were 3.91 times more likely to develop HPV. blocked arteries and 3.74 times more likely to die from heart disease.

They also had a 5.86 times higher risk of dying from a stroke. The researchers found that the risk of HPV infection was even higher in obese women.

Cause: inflammation

The key to the relationship between papillomavirus and cardiovascular disease in women may lie in inflammation. “We know that inflammation plays a fundamental role in the development and progression of cardiovascular disease. Viral infections are possible triggers of inflammation.– explains Professor Hae Seok Cheong, one of the authors of the study.

“HPV is known for its association with cervical cancer, but research is beginning to show that this virus can also be found in blood flow. “The virus may cause inflammation of blood vessels, contributing to clogged and damaged arteries and increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.”– he concludes.

Virus for which there is a vaccine

Julián Pérez-Villacastin, president of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, confirms the inflammation theory in statements to SMC Spain: “It has long been known that any inflammation in the body is very harmful to the health of the arteries. For example, we know that problems infectious diseases of the oral cavity such as periodontitis They are associated with a large number of cardiovascular problems (angina, heart attack or even stroke). “It has also been well studied in relation to viruses such as influenza and the covid virus, which increase the incidence of heart attacks and strokes through various mechanisms.”.

In any case, it is important to remember that many viruses have their own vaccines, the specialist reminds. “It makes things easier get a vaccination, people can reduce risks like those identified in this study. “We already know that getting a flu vaccine reduces the chance of having a heart attack or stroke, but we have to remember this often because people forget.”. It also now seems clear that the HPV vaccine reduces the risk of heart disease in women.

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