Categories: Entertainment

INTERVIEW – Marlene Jaubert: entertainment without filters!

Venerated in 1966 by Jean-Luc Godard in Masculin Féminin, consecrated in 1967 with Alexandre le BieneureuxYves Robert, Marlene Jaubert This is a rare actress of a generation who wants to choose the best place for prestige, a place in quarantine to embrace a new passion: écrire des contes pour enfants. At 83, comedian’s mother Eva Green on the poster for the film “The Forest” Three Musketeers : Milady, more equality. Joy, she s’épanouit en grand-mère. At the end of the year the box was assembled and the CD was named 3 Noel’s wonderful stories (Glenat jeunesse). And it is recognized as inspiring and rare parks with a free tone and the arrogance of beautiful views.

GALA: Avez-vous aujourd’hui la vie de famille dont vous reviez?
: I don’t think I dream of my girls who play young girls (elles ont 43 ans, ndlr) live in France. Either Eva from London, or her wife at the quarry, and the joy of life in Tuscany with her son Marie (Niccolò Marcici Lenzi, graduated in 2011, no date) or she was in the viticole domain. When I see that everyone has an opportunity, it will create unity. Joy m’a donné two petits-enfants, Giulio, 9 years old, and Vittorio, 10 years old, who speaks three languages ​​- French, English and Italian – et m’appellent grand-mère avec un accent et plein de R… C’ est crack. Eve, for her part, is not very interested in the fact itself.

GALA: Allez-vous passer Noël avec Giulio et Vittorio?
: Non parce que, during this period, ils vont traditionalnellement à l’ile Maurice avec leurs parents, mais nous nous rattrapons au mois de juin, quand ils viennent me voir en Normandie pendant un mois et demi. At this moment I am reading Christmas with many cados in the garden. As a chaperone, I spent holidays with friends who did not miss small children. When you’re reunited, set up a shelf of decorations and that’s it. Well ideally you will see my little children R plus souvenirs. Parce que, ensemble, we many times. Ce sont deux petits qui ont énormément d’humour. Avec moi, ils peignent, with respect to films and stories. Giulio is a good cook in my professional company.

GALA: Avez-vous des principes éducatifs particuliers?
: Disons que, aujourd’hui, je suis très étonnée quand je constate que des elèves de 4e ne savent pas lire ou ont perdu le goût de la lectures. The annual premieres are decisive for the entire Friday. In turn, I regret that I did not have time to do this research. Cela a été à la fois mon point fort et mon point faible. Fort parce que, sans method, j’étais naturallle, spontaneous, instinctive. As an actress, you know the lines and performances without any training, with a certain sense of comedy. I mean it’s a lie that makes me unhappy. Faible it seems that j’ai souffert toute ma vie d’un manque decultural.

GALA: What is the purpose of your research?
. : Competition of circumstances and era. A brotherhood of five children, having passed through Algeria and lived for only 8 years, in a small village in Burgundy, where a military man was available, moved to Dijon. At the age of 14 I am allée aux cours du soir des BeauxArts. Je me voyais étudier l’architecture mais me suis dirigée vers le conservatoire d’artmaticique et j’ai vite work. I am familiar with the lyrics passing through the theater and it is a little love that became my introduction to classical music when I listen to Brahms’s Sextuor on Cords, Louis Malle’s choice for the music from the film The Amateurs. Javais is 20 years old. I will be transported immediately…

“Depardieu? “Il faut le considérer comme un malade!”

GALA: Vous Faites Party de ces Rares Acteurs qui ont arrêté leur carrière en plein vol…
. : This is a lie. This is a union of affairs. Waiting for a long time when I want to get into the car, I will not be able to become a good mother. When I entered in July, I was 40 years old. My career with a small Creux et, which lasted 4 years, brought profit to the decrocher. I do not support plus des laisser seules à la maison. This doesn’t mean I want to be present for a long-term job because no one is keeping me busy. Meanwhile, I had a variety of pediatric psychiatrists and included vertus de contes for child development. I spent my day hanging out in my books during the holidays and I discovered my ability to tell stories. Zhai started writing his first stories, and I told you that this new career is also very important for the premiere…

GALA: Have you ever regretted your career as an actress?
: No, this is already an application. In cinema, I have many chances and successes, when cinema has everything you need, the son of talent is like mediocre. You may dream of a great role in a mediocre film or a small role in a great film. Parfois, it’s now. And then it will happen, an agreement on additional definitions on Friday. it doesn’t pass by an exhibition or a celebrity.

GALA: Advise the girl Eva that she will succeed?
: If I need her, most of all this is not what I need… I want her without makeup, like in Proxima d’Alice Vinokur, a film within a film about the incarnation of a French astronaut. Elle est suffisamment Talentueuse et Belle for Se le Permettre.

GALA: Considering that you went past certain choices in your youth?
: Je crois que ne me suis jamais rendu compte que j’étais mignonne avec une naturale. I feel unable to be arrogant.

GALA: As an actress, have you ever been in a relationship with inappropriate behavior issues?
. : Not even a chance. I don’t know if you have problems with this cat. For me it’s faisait la cour mais or bien ça m’interessait ou bien ça ne m’intéressait pas. On this occasion I consider Complément d’enquête sur Gerard Depardieu et j’ai envie d’en dire un mot. I’m glad that in 1975 and in an era when I thought he would never get parole. You chose in your son mutual understanding by gender, which became a pathological tour. He mistakenly believed it was a disease. Il y en a qui sont atteints par la boladie d’Alzheimer, lui est devenu cet manme dont le discours ne va pas. Et évidemment je tiens à dire tout le respect I give to my victims.

“The village demands reconnaissance and concessions in the fight against times together”

GALA: How have you preserved your beauty? Avez-vous des conseils à prodiguer pour garder la forma?
: I thought that there was already a good part of heredity. The bathroom is obviously il faut mener une vie saine. And because of personnel, after 46 years there was a slight rise. I recommend faire assez jeune d’ailleurs, car ça passe beaucoup plus inaperçu. Now I do gymnastics with a trainer three days a week. Three days a week I realize you’re at my door, I look up at the sky and then I meet my job.

GALA: You were together with a couple Claude Berry 22 years ago, in 1976, you participated in the life of your era, Walter Green, from Switzerland. You met 34 years ago, voici presque 5 ans. Qu’avez-vous appris sur l’amour?
: I saw two people with Claude Berry, a complex and tormented man. Je suis moi-même compliquée a côté perfectionniste qui peut agacer. Le dilettantisme upset me. When everything that happens doesn’t seem right to me, I don’t feel comfortable with it. This is the wrong time in recent history. Concern Walter, it was a different choice. At this stage of life, plus I know that I know, I appreciate what seduces me so much without being the chime of my fame. Qu’il évolue en dehors de mon métier (il était chirurgien dentalte, ndlr). But if you demand “yes” from me, then in the background passer toute une vie avec le même homme est facile, je vous will answer que no. In some ways this is not normal. Sela requires intelligence and concessions in the fight against times together, in fatigue. In fact, all the souvenirs that we have accumulated are given as gifts. Nous sommes une memoire l’un de l’autre.

This article will appear again in Gala #1594, on newsstands December 28th. The new Gala will take place on January 4, 2024. Bonn lecture.

Photos courtesy: DR

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